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Morning Val. Did you go out first thing this morning and buy yourself some? :D


(Yes I was off yesterday. But it was rainy and windy and cold). :(

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For the first time in a month I can go off for a tasty, smokey, lovely smelling, taste-bud-teasing, S H I I S H A! smile.gif


Back in an hour.

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Ciid Mubarak one and all!! i hope you all had happy and restful Ciid and more importantly, i hope you all made your loved ones smile and happy.

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Afternoon! NG, you say that with such relish! Enjoy smoking yourself silly.


I didn't have to go out for cake, there was plenty left over from yesterday.



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I had cake for breakfast Val, very satisfying, the Somali kind where they put in 100 eggs.


I came in this morning to find the Arch-Qumayo is back from her 1 year maternity leave, work is going to be tense from now on.

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The look on the faces of kids when they're having fun :cool:


Giant slides, pony rides, trampolining, flying sauces with all that noise and candy. I'm tired :D


Oh, 4 more days before we go back to work. Better make the most it,,,,,,,,,,,

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Sounds nice Norf. Im tired from all the greetings.when did we somalis move from the simple handshake to 3-4 arab cheek2cheek?


Anyone know how i can transfer music from ipod to PC ??

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^^ Were you caught up in the rain, mere laddo? :D




Lily's post above confirms, without a shadow of doubt, that she is a class A glutton. I bet she's thinner than a stick insect though.

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i did, but then again am used to that eid is synom with rain for me..when was the last time we had rain free eid?


But i still had a fab of a time, gosh i eat like a pig. but ohh well.


how about you old man did you smoke shisha bef the eid prayers? :D

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I did NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. In fact, all I did was answer the phone and exchange greetings. I had the house all to myself of course (thanks to the tradition of Somali mothers liking to go out to children's attractions together and not dragging the fathers along). :D

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Sounds like fun CL, I had a great day too but parts of my head still hurt from the screaming little cousins though.


Ngonge, in healthy moderation food is a wonderful sensory experience, it’s a shame so many people fight it and so many have little of it.


p.s. I can't believe you didnt go with your kids, you lazy so & so!

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^^ There was no space for me. The modern curse of allowing wives to drive. :mad:


Still, they had more fun going with their aunts and cousins.



You tricked me with the 'lazy sod' comment and I forgot to laugh at your 'healthy moderation' idea. Heh.


CAKE for breakfast is NOT healthy or moderate. icon_razz.gif

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