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Malika, are you glad, coz its friday, the prayer and Muslim day smile.gif , mise you r thinking about the week end of saturday and sunday off smile.gif . Runta iska sheeg!

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I am picturing Aaliyah sitting down after finishing her salaat. She's wearing an over sized jilbaab that is covering most of her face and is totally obscuring her hands. I think she's making Duca! I can't hear the words. Oh, hang on, I found the volume control. Here we go:


"Oh Allah. Please look after mummy and daddy and sister and brother and all my family and the Muslim Ummah and, oh oh oh, yeah, Stoic from SOL (that's Somaliaonline). He's studying to be a dentist and is going through a hard time you see. Sorry, I forgot you knew that already.


Norf had a new baby so please look after him and his family because I promised I'll pray for them. Sheh is looking for a new job and I hope she gets it. Ibti is organising a charitable event and I pray that she collects loads of money. Nuune is flying planes now and I'm worried about him. Please god make sure he lands safely every time. Lily plans to wear a dirac on Eid day (I don't approve) but I pray the garbasaar doesn't fall down. Finally, I pray that adeero NGONGE finds his lost marbles and one day starts acting his age.......”



I don't for a minute doubt the sincerity and earnestness of my young sister there. I just can't help smiling every time I see her offering to pray for yet another person. :D

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"Oh Allah. Please look after mummy and daddy and sister and brother and all my family and the Muslim Ummah and, oh oh oh, yeah, Stoic from SOL (that's Somaliaonline). He's studying to be a dentist and is going through a hard time you see. Sorry, I forgot you knew that already.


Norf had a new baby so please look after him and his family because I promised I'll pray for them. Sheh is looking for a new job and I hope she gets it. Ibti is organising a charitable event and I pray that she collects loads of money. Nuune is flying planes now and I'm worried about him. Please god make sure he lands safely every time. Lily plans to wear a dirac on Eid day (I don't approve) but I pray the garbasaar doesn't fall down. Finally, I pray that adeero NGONGE finds his lost marbles and one day starts acting his age.......”

OH MY god!!!


P.s. That is such a sweet dua, if she was to make it.


P.s.s. A&T. Ciid wanagsan :cool:

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Ngonge, anba gabadhaan ducadeeda waan ka helay, in kastoyna wali iisan duceenin, badanaa gabdhaha ayay ducada ku seyrtaa, wiilasha wey ka eexatey.

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I protest to be greeted in the footnote! Not after I greeted you in my opening statement.



Irmaan and Walac are not related.

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Hunguri,if am honest then it is to do with sleeping longer on Saturdays and Sundays, I dont have to get up at 7am. redface.gif


Nevertheless, am also looking forward to taraweeh prayers tonight,we will be in a bigger hall,able to hear the Imaam clearly[i'A]


I know some of you dont visit the Islam section, but just for today, can you guys help me with a question posted there[Thanks] smile.gif

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I read your question at the Islam section. Am not sure what religion says about this matter, but wow you do have kids in your class who take their understanding of religion whether its accurate or not to heart. Mashalah am amazed by that. I mean usually you would see a 12 years old who would be over the moon to create an art, something they usually find fascinating in oppose to doing math or science homework. Anyways, I know hanging pictures of living things in your house is haraam. but drawing a piece of art am not so certain about that. They could always make it and then throw it out i the angels can enter your house.


that's my two cent


p.s for sure sis I would make duca for you...and inshallah all muslims out there.

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