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I have Ms DD. Was bored to tears. lol Just kidding, no Ms DD, guilt will kill me, because you made them come across half of london to give you a lift across the road. icon_razz.gif:D [Ok that was not me, that was some people I know]

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St*upid table, I keep doing this stu*pid thing wrong errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrg. :mad: Pheew

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~Hayma: Lol :D


I'm eating barris, My dinner frm last nyt,I thought I'd eat before everyone gets here, don't want to smell up the place with my iskudexkaris later on. Feels so strange eating this early and barris too! I hate barris at the best of hrs let alone for breakfast.

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Now you are pushing it, atheer wiixi lugu seye iska qaado [it was with milk anyway, only arabs drink biigais [north and Ngonge included] :D

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^^ Two sugars please. :D

That CL is a useless minyaro. Can you believe she's still in bed? I shall let her off this time but next time there will be hell to pay.





Lily why do you think I'm strange and why would you not want to meet someone like me? I'm cool I am. :D

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Lol Ibti


that's it i want the actually tea lady back.

your just like the somali waiters they don't know what customer service is. there was this restaurant owner in my village, who kept seeing this customer he doesn't know eating at his restaurant every day. the owner got suspicious on this guy and throw him out , barred him from ever returning to the restaurant whilst saying "waxba mesha ka fahantay, so maha , war bax jajusyohow”

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Sayid^^^Loooooooooooooooool Somalis, they will stare at you to death if you go to their shops and they don't know you. My local somali meat shop, after some time of ma inaa heebel baad tahey for years, finally said dee haada maaxad eheid, ciidi kasta diidehy! Okay wait for tea lady then. Haalka faadi.




You know my friend thinks your cool, she now knows your online identity and keeps saying to me "find a funny post from that guy" I keep telling her your not funny, but og well. Yesterday she laughed for so long when she read that part about you "killing your wife if you saw her face in your coffee cup" Lol :D


She needs her beauty sleep, she was at work till 9.30 last nyt you useless old man, you did not even go and pick her up, she had to get the train like everyone else. What are you good for???

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ma inaa heebel baad tahey for years, finally said dee haada maaxad eheid, ciidi kasta diidehy!



i love my people - they are the best in the world.


lakin i hate when they try to be diplomatically smart by asking you which part (city) of somalia you from, when they only to know what clan you are.


i just say i was not born there and never have been, then comes the question "what about your parents?"


but i still love them for the inquestiveness

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