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Jacl- that was yesterday, baacda madow is outside now.

Already ??? :confused: :confused:


He promised that he will perform his duties very well ,,,,,,,, maxaa dhacay ? :D

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^^Loool, here is your tea, just this once.


Geel_Jire I am an easy target for any angry, grumpy person. I don’t mind online ones, but even in real life. Yesterday when I went for lunch this racist ido*t pushed me, and then came back, all up in my face and told me I was taking up the whole road, and he had more right to walk on it and he was going to knock me out if I did not say sorry. :confused: I was trying to decide if it would be faster to reach into my bag and poke his eye out with my keys or punch him. I was thinking the keys would do more damage, anyway lucky for me it was a busy road, and a little crowed formed to watch and he walked off swearing about dam*n foreigners and go back to your country. Strange thing, he was suited and booted, did not look like a thug as such.


Today I wore flats, so I can punch him and run and I got a little present for him, just incase I see him again redface.gif :mad:

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^^^ are you for real!!!! :mad:


and nobody step in other than to watch?


you should have poked him in the eye with your bare hands or fingers and blinded ******* and walked off into the crowd.

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^ ibti sorry to hear that walaal ... if that happened during broad daylight .. isnt a lil dangerous to be walking around by yourself 11 pm from uni ?

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Ngonge, I looked back, and it set him off, I did not even get a chance to open my mouth to say anything, before I knew it he was breathing in face and pointing, I pushed his hand out of my face and that is when he pulled it back in fist and said "I'm going to f**.. Knock you out if you don't say Sorry"


Lool CL, kuwaas will just make him more angry and not do any damage.


Geel_jire, these things happen, day or night does not really make a difference, you should not change your life as a result. That is what they want you to do.


Sayid, he looked like a raving lunatic, I’m glad no one stepped in, he would’ve just set out for them. Some people came to ask me if I was okay when he left and I should ignore him.

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^Carry pepper spray from now on Ibti,buud will be too heavy to carry around.. smile.gif Sorry to hear that,he need to go pick on his own size,darn coward!


Morning /Afternoon/Evening all!

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^ soo dhawoow malika ... lol i was just about to suggest the feminine arsenal .. pepper spray , taser.


but be careful there is a risk someone could die with the taser and you have to be really up close

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Malika that is a good idea, but I don't like the idea of waiting/ always being prepared for an attack. I know waa safety, but I would like to believe this is just a one off. Pluz unless you are already holding it in your hand, sprays are useless, what would you say, wait while I look in my big a*ss bag and search for my spray? :D


Anyway I guarantee you if he or anyone else was to attack me, with or without a weapon I would make sure inaan waax kaa goosto, Mark Tyson style. I will fight tooth and nail, kick, push, eat; Ever heard of Faaro mintiid??? That would be me! Lol Till he knocks me unconscious that is, then waa lights out, but before then…

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lol Mike Tyson, that's what I like the hear ^ :D Glad you're alright Ibtsam. Next time if another one comes that close, knee him in the 'crown jewels'. Practice with someone if you have to, but don't let them know what you're about to do.

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