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Woo! that is my city. HARAR. Famous for so many things.



I will teach you provided you reciprocate by teaching me your mother tongue!

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^^ How many cities do you come from, saaxib?


Heh. As for Arabic, you just reminded me of a girl that once asked me to teach her the language. Quick as a flash, I asked her to repeat after me 'zawjtoka nafsi'. She duly did but when I tried to hold her hand and lead her away...

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A&T.. :D:D , I was counting on you not being Ngonge's friend today as am not liking him today[only today]though.. :D

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How many hyenas did you mouth feed? or were you practicing pipe feeding with the tourist hotties? I’ll envy and idolize you if you did the latter. I wish could live among the wild. I heard that hyenas explode with a grin and laughter when their stomach is full.

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^^ A&T only ever saw one of those on TV, saaxib. Don't for a minute believe he's been anywhere near 'the wild'.

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^^^So the only thing he ever heard is the neighbors’ dog singing yip! yap! yap! Yip! Yap! and at times Woof! woof!

Watch out now he will come up with a story about his swooping roller-coasting climb of Harar forested mountains.I suspect though he has seen a warthog and some black and ruffed lemurs on his earlier life as a zoo keeper.And why do some muslims think that warthogs are like the domesticated pigs?

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Harar is where I grew up. If you believe it or not, the hyena place is in a place called 'Falana Bar' just after the north gate of the five magnificient gates of the Imam Nuur wall. I was born somewhere else, Degaxbuur,and I took my undergraduate studies in Addis. Does that clarify?


I haven't fed any saaxib Stoci, nor do I like to visit Hyena's anyway. I have been to the place for not more than once.



Who can ever be a friend to a chemelon? Ngonge is not one of our own!

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^^ Last I knew, Malika was not from Harar icon_razz.gif

Stop the 'us, we and them' when you talk about her or someone might be tempted to announce your wedding on that rumour central thread. :D

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^^^Loool Ngonge. Nin Waalan! You was the one typing it all over the place. He is not the only one who grew up there! icon_razz.gif

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^^ I only used the word ONCE. :(



The operative word on my last post was 'claim'. Now edit your reply. :D

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