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Well, it looks like I'm still available for one more night. I missed my flight, so I had to book another one for tomorrow.

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Well, it looks like I'm still available for one more night. I missed my flight, so I had to book another one for tomorrow.

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yo! home-gal... u didnt get the msg properly!! Read it again... "he say... that he be there for 1 moo day""


tick..tock...24hrs left...Come & get your jungle fever Cured!! smile.gif ... vally u gots any J-fever..LOL. dont missed it.

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Rudy man, you're a strange one. :D


Val, I just left too late, and the train to Heathrow got delayed a couple of times as well, they found a "suspicious package" in terminal 4's station so they closed that off and I had to get off the train and wait for the next one going to terminal 5.

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I don't just like it here, I love it. But then again, I'm just on vacation, I might not love it so much if I was here for a long time, but I'd definitely take London over Calgary any day of the week.

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