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Miyay kugu dhacday waadigan qoslaye ,,, ?? :D



Good morning ppl ,,,,, rained a little bit last night and looks like it is raining again.

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I'm irritated today ,,,,, sick of some ppl around me. damn it ! ! ! ! :mad:


all the Wanna-bees should be burned alive or sent to Guantanamo ,,,,,

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Jac,dont tell me,finally they asked you where the darn report that was meant to be submitted last year is?




Hello Mrembo@CL smile.gif

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Hello CL ,,,,,,,,,


It is irritating when someone who doesn't know any English want to play with your report, tell you to change this coz it is not good english and remove all the words he doesn't know thinking people don't know as well.


Now, i have to delay this until the Director comes next week otherwise we'll fight.

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^LOL..What a sight that would be,fighting over English vocabulary..Heh


Anyway,try to explain in calm manner and use a dictionary to back you up..


folks,waynoo markaale am out!

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looooooooooooool ,, believe me he can hardly say a single word in English and yet want to change a whole report approved by others.


Walaahi you would wonder when you see him right-clicking a word then choosing translate into French then telling you this is not good ,,, :D

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GB’s report:


Our work with Xabaglehs Anonymous has been very fruitful. The last quarter's figures showed a 2% a decrease. In addition, our blonde volunteers succeeded in convincing retailers and importers to only import heavy industrial glue rather than the usual street variety. We expect this kind of glue will not tickle the taste buds of the professional xabagles, and, may actually help towards weaning them off this habit altogether. It is widely acknowledged in xabagle circles that this brand of glue requires fewer inhalations with longer gaps between every sniff, thus limiting the potency of the drug and inhibiting any sustained thrills.


GB's amended version (after being told off):


We have managed to stop a large number of people from sniffing glue (2% so far). We ordered shop owners and business people to stop importing the addictive glue and threatened them with a lawsuit. They have now started selling good glue.

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