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^^^WHY what did you do to them??? :confused: My god you and Ngonge are something else. Aniga everyone talks to me. :D

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^^ Heh. She's the age of my mother, silly. I also get off at the same spot. So you go change, smelly student.



Nothing. Maybe it's because I didn't start a conversation. All I ever did was nod and say hello.

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Where do you get off anyway??? I thought you took the H&C all the way to liverpool! I stopped taking H &C coz of you. No way I'm moving from this one old MAN! :cool:

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Originally posted by Ibtisam:

^^^WHY what did you do to them??? :confused: My god you and Ngonge are something else. Aniga everyone talks to me.

I basically stopped entertaining their BS. Strictly business, must be a written request, if its not in our permit to do, go take a hike mate attitude.


Believe me I have valid reasons and have been patient for a long time.


ps did you see Ngonge on the train?

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North: So they bullied you :D


Meyeeh I did not, thank the lord for that! But I think he had another dream, where he thought he saw me, and missed his train in order to avoid me. icon_razz.gif I did not know he was so shy...or anti-social! :rolleyes:

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^^ She didn't. But I did. I was standing right next to her and she still didn't notice my overwhelming manly aura! Can you believe this woman?

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Yahoo.... icon_razz.gif waar haa cawryin, dumaashi laahiineh!! :DIf I suddenly start shrinking or spots appear or one leg become shorter than the other, addan kuu qabsanini! hehe lool :D

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