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Because you are always on SOL and other places, which means everything takes you 3/4 times as long to do. Your day would be a lot shorter and with no unpaid overtime if you was not on MSn, Facebook, SOL, Somaliland times, Haafuu, iyo beelal oo daan! :D

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^You forgot to mention simply********..Lol,waryaa Jac in all honest how many hours do you dedicate to actually doing some real work?


*Hello Everybody! smile.gif

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^^^Hello** smile.gif


What X-rated site did you post baal, that was censored and how do you know of it icon_razz.gif*ducks or did you write stupidi*ty? :D

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*Waves back@CL and Ibti!


Lol..The censored site was simply- somali, I dont know why they censored it.. :confused:


Anywho, what's new? I was gonna quit this place,but am so darn attached,it will require me to attend some counselling..So to save myself some money,I am staying! :D

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^^^Looool Hahahaha, I'm on a quota. Once my quota is finished I have to apply for a new quota, which can be refused or take months to be approved.

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I'm a multi-tasker and can't focus on the work only. I do this and do that and everything is DONE ! ! ! !


There are other sites weliba that you don't know, blogs to update and online courses to attend.


And my work performance is just PERFECT ,,,,, :D

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^^^And you think you are better. :rolleyes:


Ngonge paranoia iyad igu riidye, I was carefully scanning the platform before I got on the train this morning and then looked out of the window to double check.

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Do you always take the train at that same spot? Find yourself another carriage, that one is MINE.



There is an 'older' Somali lady that takes the train at that same carriage too. She used to greet me in the past but now she blanks me! I have no idea why.

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Ngonge I take it from that same spot because that is where the way out is located when I get off! So you find yourself another spot!! :mad: :D Is she stylish?? not regular looking ayeeo (she is not that old actually)


Maxaad kuu sameseh?? Maybe she thought you was getting the wrong idea since you started to lose your teeth and receding hairline icon_razz.gif You know being the same age and all. :D

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

There is an 'older' Somali lady that takes the train at that same carriage too. She used to greet me in the past but now she blanks me! I have no idea why.

Gabadh ku caashaqday ayaad salaan ka qaadiwayday dee :D


People who work for the other consultants are afraid to approach me these days LoL.

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