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Ibti, I second your rant about Sex and the City. I just do not get the appeal. Instead of watching it, you can enjoy this nice summary here.

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Ibtisam, of course I'm here for the girls, I'm here for everyone. :D


Besides, I can't just smoke shiisha all week, can I? I'm gonna make my way to the west end today, even if have to go by myself.

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One thing I noticed about London SOL girls is that they had no problem saying "see you when you get here" and things like that, and now that I'm actually here, no one wants to see me! :( Hardly anyone even called, except a couple of them. I don't bite, you know. :D

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^^^^Looool Hahaha.


Cadaan. I hear the brothers Have shown you good time though, so good report on Londoners yeah.


P.s. Have you not met all those girls who said "Yes" in your thread? :D

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Geez, you guys should have told me that before I came, now I'm walking the streets in Shepherd's Bush looking for xaliimos myself. :(


Yeah, the guys have been showing me around, but it always eventually ends up with a bunch of old guys smoking shiisha in the east end :D That was fun for a couple of days, but I have to get out for the weekend. I told Isseh, I need to see some girls!! Poor guy was walking around with me all day yesterday, I think he's still sleeping :D


I think Sheherazade was the only one who said yes, but I don't even know her name, so no luck there :D

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^^Come on dee, don't tell on the poor girl. Now every SOL guy who comes to UK would be like you saw Cadaan, why don't you see me! lol


Loool @ bunch of old men!



Loool Don't worry about Isseh, he does that anyway, so nothing new to him! :D lol

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No, no, she didn't see me, what I mean is that she's the only one who said "yes" in my thread, but I don't even know her name, so I can't see her. [british accent] Ya know wot I mean?[/british accent]



Dammit, my time is up in this netcafe. See y'all later.

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^^It must be all the partying every weekend with your NGO friends :D


I hear the weather has taken a turn for the better reer UK-ow. Is it true, is it true????? :mad: :mad:

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