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Hello All smile.gif


Freeeeeeeeeeeeedoooooooooooooooooom :D:D:D:D:D:D Hehehehehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh



P.s. Caadaani; how do you like London so far????

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Hello Love.


*Sipping peppermint tea, counting the hours before I am safely sited in the cinema with my munchies and tissues ready for sex and the city can’t wait.


Lily- are you a fan?

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Oh I can't wait to watch Sex and the City, either tonight or sunday. I haven't watched most of the series (some of it was a bit out there) but the movie looks good. At the risk of being stoned I always thought they were a bit too old for their roles.

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Originally posted by Ibtisam:

P.s. Caadaani; how do you like London so far????

Haven't seen enough girls. :( Are you free tonight? :D

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^^^Did not know you was here for the girls dear. But no, I have a date with my laptop and a film.


I'm been dragged to see S&C on Saturday nyt, my friend has no one to go with her and she is a die-hard fan of the thing. I've never managed to watch one complete episode, so maybe I should not judge so harshly, but I don't see what I could possible have in common with a four 40+, white, ****** and far too rich for their own good grown as*s women acting like they are in their 20s? :confused: Maybe I will be converted after seeing the film. Otherwise 3 ½ painful hours wasted, in a cinema full of sniffing women.

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I can't believe that was 2 weeks! Well I didnt do most of the things I wanted to do but managed to see alot of beebal.


Adigu went into hiding!

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^^^Erm I so did not. I just did not hang with the boys :D What ever gave you the idea that I would be doing that. icon_razz.gif


lool @ beebal

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