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CL, horta i know the month i spent in France during Nov-Dec i found out that when it is sunny it is more colder than when it is not.


that is all i know ,,,,,,

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I have not watched TV for so long! I don't even miss the damn thing, but I want to watch a film tonight. Any good web sites where I can download Indiana Jones :D


What is popping people.

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I got exactly thirty minute to storm out of that door, that is what is popping.This is pure curiosity Ibti, do you speak Swahili? Sorry If you don't (I must have confused you with CL) (LOl) :D

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I do, only to certain someone. Normally to swear at them when they get me mad or when I'm half a sleep :D Does that count?? I can say few phrases.


Are you wishing CL was still here??


Why do people confuse me with CL, we are not alike. I even got a PM when she disappeared for a while from an admire of hers asking why I changed my name :confused: That lady, hijacks threads and makes no sense, how can anyone compare me to her! :D


post 493

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Are you wishing CL was still here

I'm so uncomfortable with that question that I really want to give up even reading it twice.I must be wondering now why I even compared you to the princess whom I merry praise every day on this pages.People might think I'm the closet admirer.I must make it clear stolidly that it wasn't me. :mad:

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^^^ :rolleyes: CL and princess, haye?? Please write your love letter in swahili on a new thread called "Swahili love letters" :D

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Originally posted by Ibtisam:

I have not watched TV for so long! I don't even miss the damn thing, but I want to watch a film tonight. Any good web sites where I can download Indiana Jones

Is this where NG would call you a smelly student? :D

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North :D how are you and how is UK??

I tried to see it in Cinema but it was fully booked :cool:



Someone needs to learn how to use a phone, tell em for me :cool:

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I saw the highlights for the Champions Cup game, looked pretty intense. Of course, what they didn't show was the 87 or so minutes of people running around in circles. That's the thing about soccer, it's so boring waiting for something to happen, but it's alright when something actually does happen.

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Morning Mrembo! smile.gif


It's Friday! pheeeeew!! what a week,they trully got their salary worth this week..Lol

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