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The strangest thing happened today. I spotted a Somali beggar I have never meet one before so when I spotted a skinny faraax with a cup seriously my heart melted (that never happens) I walked past him and continued with my journey. But for some reason I could not sit in my desk and pretend I didn’t see him, so I got out again went to the local Tesco bought him some food etc a full bag may I just add…went up to him and placed it near him. To my surprise instead of saying thank you he got angry and started cursing me literally in Somali/English/Arabic he then threw the bag at me and had the audacity to tell me did I ask for food? I want MONEY….

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^Morning CL & Jac!


You should have told him if he wants money he needs to get his skinny backside off the street pavements and work for it..the sheer audacity!!

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loooooooool ,,,, poor CL ,,, you should've taken that bag and eat all the food in front of him then continue with your journey :D



That is how Somalis begg ,,,,,,, they just want money and that is it.

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Morning Malika ,,,



Some beggers here specially those from Ethiopia and other regions ,, they beg during the day then send the money through Dahabshiil in the afternoon.

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It happens my dear ,,,, human being is weird sometimes.


I remember this American guy they said he is a Millionnaire and still begging on the streets ,,, that is how he became a millionnaire, when interviewed he said he has more income by begging than doing a business. :D

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So What have I been missing here??..Lol.


Am so looking forward to half term next week..whoa!

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Originally posted by cynical lady:

The strangest thing happened today. I spotted a Somali beggar I have never meet one before so when I spotted a skinny faraax with a cup seriously my heart melted (that never happens) I walked past him and continued with my journey. But for some reason I could not sit in my desk and pretend I didn’t see him, so I got out again went to the local Tesco bought him some food etc a full bag may I just add…went up to him and placed it near him. To my surprise instead of saying thank you he got angry and started cursing me literally in Somali/English/Arabic he then threw the bag at me and had the audacity to tell me did I ask for food? I want MONEY….

haha. how ironic! the guy wanted money for dope.

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Lol..CL, I can just imagine the madness this wedding Jac organised was!!


Jac, hayee this is wifey number ?


OZ,I believe the whole nation would be on a stand still tonight! Interesting though the champion league is played in Russia, hortaa do the russians participate in these games..I have never heard of a russian team.. :confused: [i know spoken like a true not so interested in football female..Lol]

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