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CL,Shssssh..I was just having a moment there darling nothing to worry about..Lol,blame it on this beautiful weather.


Now Ibti's news has caught me too by suprise!!

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Ibti- yes, major decision without me present is soo unfair.


Ps never scare me like that, here I was thinking that you have finally succumb to that old man pressure and you have agreed to marry his brother hence giving up on ure schooling for him….


Malika- blaming the weather eeh lol u cheeky woman

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^^^They do.



Loooooooool, canduufta eyes laa maariniyah aayah iigu taaran! lol HAha so dirty.


Geel_jire: right on the money there. I want an extermist not a sell out. icon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by Ibtisam:

Ngonge; you can't even say hello these days miyiah??

So carabaha ma soo gaarin. He things hes a 'muwaadin' again. Give him a few weeks and he'll come back down to earth :D

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^^^Looool HAHAHA heheh. Waad kaa aadgateh niikan beeryahan maistid. You are always showing him up! lool


How did your review go? do you still have a job. :D

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^^will be recommended for Senior position :cool:


As for Ngonge, he is harmless. He was busy practiisng his Arabic and everyone thought he was Sudanese :D

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^^^Loool Haha I wonder why; must be the big/thick ookiyaale. :D


Congrats, mashallah :cool: good start to your holiday. smile.gif


P.s. You will have something to report at the Islamo interviews over the next few weeks :D lol

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