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Malika, what honeymoon dear didn’t you hear ibti I was dragging the poor man in Oxford Street in an attempt to civilize him alas it was futile, I had to resort to calling the police and inform them that there is an illegal Bolivian immigrant attempting to break in the house. That’s that dear no honeymoon.


waves at malika

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Ibti-You could always come to the good old US of A, but I know Burco is waiting smile.gif



Malika....Someone missed you :D



P.S. Someone tell Stoic CL is here. Wuu ku qafiifay da last two weeks.

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*waves back at CL*


Good riddence a bolivian aa?..astagfirullah!


Che give that someone a hug for me.. smile.gif

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London is not doing too bad. Two whole weeks on sunshine and no rain.



lool @ CL haha naag waalan.


MAlika. lol okay baal waayeh.

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CL...It starts August.I'm looking for a donation of teeth.Any one willing to donate some? I have to collect a two jar full of teeth before August.I have been trolling Oral surgeons practices the last few weeks.


PS Che, maailaaragtay Waan kuukhafifaay innataan ha? (sp?) :D

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Che,dont frett..expect a look alike blown up dolly version of me in the post! :D


Aaaw..Che,I missed you too smile.gificon_razz.gif [now igaa daa before I get divorced on line]..He he he

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Ibti, they have to be mighty whitey-no stains.Thanks though they are biohazards.The post office woun't let you ship it :D

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