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^^^HE did WHAT? :eek: lol you guys are lucky to be alive! lol


Hahaha @ he blamed you. lol


You could not make this stuff up if your tried! lool Cajeeb.


P.s. Sorry you can't get out of it that easily, you still have to cook and clean. Waaxad isleedeh haa lagu yidaho, waar iska daa! :D lol

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^ lol reminds me of when i fist started cooking ... had to learn a few things the hard way :D


i put a pot on the stove that had some water in it ... added some oil and i waited it to give me the sizzling sound (following directions )


- i kept turning the heat up but no sizzle for 30 minutes


- then a drop of water from my hand fell into the pot :eek: ... a flame the size of the pot hit the ceiling and wouldn't stop


- i kept pouring more water but it got worse .. the ceiling and walls turned black and the pot was melted one side.


moral of the story: make sure the pot is completely dry before adding the oil.

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WHAT, Caaqli meeh! you kept oil on fire with heat turned up for 30mins!!! naag taa, you could not have been that bad!!!! loool Hahaha


The pot melted! haha What on earth was you using as a pot! lord have mercy! you guys are hopless! lool HAha hehe


Adam should feel better after reading that! lol Haha


Acudubiliah. loool :D , haha lool

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^ it was my first time .. i was told not to add anything to the pot until the oil makes the sizzle sound (i had notes beside me)... but because of the water that was not possible :D im much better now what i cook is somewhat edible these days


but after that incident my cousin was cooking for me for a year .... i certainly cashed in on the sympathy :D

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LOL @ Geeljire. Actually oil doesn't make a sizzling sound unless there's something in it. It just smokes a bit.


My worst cooking experience was when I took a glass cake pan out of the oven and put it on the stove-top, not realizing one of the burners was on. When I thought it had cooled down I picked it up, or at least tried to. The pan exploded, glass went everywhere (months later I would find bits of it stuck in the wall 10 feet away or under the fridge). Luckily hardly any got on me but it was really freaky having something just explode as soon as you touch it. Not to mention having to throw away a delicious cake was a real bummer.

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Ibti i will cook, but will people eat?, that's the million dollar question :D




loool@ Cara i put a boiled egg once in the microwave and it looked perfect but then i sticked my fork in it and it exploded lol i had pieces of egg all over my face

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seriously i was taking notes for a week before my expirement .... xalimos have an unscientific way of cooking absolutely no metrics to follow... they tell you markuu bislaado but they dont give u temperatures and times or even measurements like the cookbooks ... i was told not to use the cookbooks but follow the directions to the . that got me in trouble :D

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Loool, people are seriously so bad, and safety!! lol at boiled egg in the microwave and cooking a glass pan! Hahaha loool


Geel_jire: never follow the cook books unless you are using the exact same equipment, same make cooker, etc :D it is based on estimates, so just make your own estimates. icon_razz.gif


HEllo JB: lazy sunday you say....

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Hello Ibti, i didn't expect you are up this time ,,, what is going on ??


On Friday we had a Qaaci session where singers were singing with Kaban and drums ,,,,, very nice indeed. Will upload some funny clips on Youtube later IA ,,,,, white ppl dancing with Kaman (guitar) ,,, hahahaha

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I've been up for about 3hrs. The world is dead on sunday's. I have not even heard a peep since.


You really need to stop going to those things! Shidaan baa kaa soo raaci.

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looooooooool@ibti ,, shaydaanku sow meel walba ma joogo.


I really like the qaaci sessions ,, and singing with the old Qaraami songs weliba.


Now it is time you go back to sleep i guess ,,, it is Sunday and you don't deserve to be up.

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I'm not going to sleep, why baad ii seexiin!!! Doing some revision, or trying to anyway.


YEs but shaydaanku is attracted by music iyo kibrika, so wuu idinlaa boodbodi. Do you know that the aahulu Jaahaneem will have popular music played to them, which they will follow and it will lead to hell. :eek:

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