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*scratches head, thinking back. You might have to remind me which one, I have a few floating about. smile.gif I’m glade you’ve sorted few things out and doing well.


I'm erm...hmm good alhumdulilah.

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Hello,Ms DD Nice to see you girl!...



Lol@scratching your head Ibti,you better remember that offer you offered me too!


Ibti,pleanty to tell..Hehehe

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Ms DD   

Nice to see you to see you nice Maliiika-ka-ka lol

Ibti, have no doubt I will remind you later.


Any holidays coming up?

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Good I assume. smile.gif IF the offer I seem to remember is the one, I don't think you will be needing me....


Ms DD; Are you ready? I seem to remember something, although I could have the wrong end of the stick. :D But anyway do reminde me inshallah... after the 27th MAy.

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I'm straving. I had pasto last nyt, I had pasto for lunch at 1, and now I don't know what to cook. More pasto (it is easy and fast to make) and I already have suugo. Any ideas?

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^^Smart a*ss. :D


I had tea and biscuits and chocolates, now having ice cream. That should keep me going for a while.


Why are you dossing caawa?

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Procrastinating with great success.


You had all my favorite food groups. Now I'm gonna go looking for stray cookies behind the microwave.

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^^^^Eeeew Cara! that is nasty. Go to the shop (fresh air will do you good and maybe motivate you!)


I need to sleep, but it is too hot and I can't even though I'm tired. I woke up at 3.05am and now I'm just wasting time! :(

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i was cleaning the house today - i felt like a real man - a real future husband - i was picking up stuff from the table to clean it with a wet iistraasho, then i noticed from the left corner of my eye something black something small on the table, i thought it was candy or something so i picked it up without looking and intended to throw it in the bin but then i felt a sting





messed up my whole day, got laughed at aswell..

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^^^^^loooooooooooool hahaha


I don't which one is making me laugh more! the idea that you cleaning the house makes you feel like a "real man" a real future husband or the fact you picked up a bee! loool HAHAHa hehe. lool :D

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Malika thanks but aren't we supposed to know the direction of the fast moving train before we jump on...

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Originally posted by Ibtisam:

^^^^^loooooooooooool hahaha


I don't which one is making me laugh more! the idea that you cleaning the house makes you feel like a "real man" a real future husband or the fact you picked up a bee! loool HAHAHa hehe. lool


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Emperor she's gone to bed ages ago. Her appointment with the bed is 9.00pm, so don't wait up for a response smile.gif


Adam hope it won't put you off cleaning, just look at what you are doing next time :D looool haha gosh! lool

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yeah was a real schock that sting, i didn't expect that cause i was in a good mood, kinda like what happened to me and my brother when we were young and felt like making Fish sticks. He put oil in the pan but instead of putting the pan on the fire he put the oil bottle there and a giant flame blinded the both of us and it left a big black mark on the ceiling lol he blamed it on me

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