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Troll Corner

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Originally posted by Malika:

Northerner dont you go all UnSomalised on me,Mr I know it all

I wasnt talking about you either.


Islaan baa maanta nafta iikeentay. Su'aal after su'aal just because she worked out where I was from :rolleyes:

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^^^did you find a new family or a family friend, then they quized you on everyone in your extended family and quested detailed answers to what each is doing? :D


Hoorta what is it with you iyo Islaamo, maalin hoorin you was complaining about them. :D

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Ms DD   

That is the beauty of troll corner. Waa la qabsaneysaa sheeko without being invited or told bring your gambar. You could be away for weeks and take it from where you left off.


Northerner, we somali habro never do diplomacy. WHere is the fun in that? We like to make people as uncomfortable as possible.

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Originally posted by Ibtisam:

In recent weeks you have become more somali. Are you sure you want this transition??
And who is to blame for this??

^Lol,I didnt see that Ha Ha Ha Ha..,SOL has trully transformed me,and erm erm... icon_razz.gif;)



Emperor,waad kuwalaani if you try to follow,just jolt down whatever comes to your mind[PG]

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^^^WE don't, you just read the person above you, and you pay attention for the time you are posting in that thread each day. Next time you are troll, you just jump in the current convo :D


North, lol diplomacy and somali people.


MAlika: Our next appointment on Msn is after my exams, you better be ready to spill the beans! :Dicon_razz.gif

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Ms DD   

Alhamdulilaah hon. Sorted few things out. I might take up on that offer you made earlier this year.

How are you guys? I see you guys are keeping up the good work.

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