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Of course I mind!


Morrocan? Closed doors? Shisha?


I didn't request a dungeon!


So much for your help :rolleyes:

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@ North Waar iiliin aanaga waaxaa aaragni. :rolleyes: Dude you wanted Humous, they do humous there, and unless you want to sit outside in the cold/rain with Caadaan and Ngonge I suggest accept my offer.

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North, the girl who took me told me the guy we were meeting was Shica and that he said it was a Shica hang-out. What do I know? They were middle-aged, Arab, card playing, talking about shurta. I was happy eavesdropping. Except for the shisha which I can't handle. It was unashamed, that place. Ngonge is hyperventilating at the thought..

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Oi, North the girl is doing you a favour, shisha indoors is a no-no remember. That she won't be there is a favour too. Mwahaha.


Ngonge, it's on the opposite side of the road to Sherlock Holmes hotel. That's all I can remember. I just followed. smile.gif

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Cold and rain in May? I certainly hope hope not.


Shisha won't be on the cards.


Sheh, meelaha Ngonge baa fadhiista translating his boredom stories,,,


Good night all

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Sweet dreams north. I'n sure once you are here, we'll figure something out and yes I assure you that it will rain!


Londoners 2morrow is the hottest day of the far... they say

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U have forgotten, haven't you? About the rain I mean. Hehe. Are you and Cadaan going to be here at the same time?


Me too, good night. Dhabarkaa i jabey. Bring on Pilates tomorrow, last time I heard noises coming from my spine I ain't never heard before.

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^^^Too much time in Arab land mad him forget.


Sheh, it is still early :D I use to like Pilates, but then I did a painful thing which requires you to roll yourself like a ball. I could not move for a week after. :(

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Ms DD   

Heedhe ma saxeetaan? I can understand the singletons (i.e shukaansi bey ku jiraan baan filayaa), but what are the married folks doing here iminka? Orodoo ka dhawow xubigaada, hanoo feejignaanine smile.gif

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