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People, if Cl doesn't wanna talk to Somali or Security guard, it is her prerogative.


P.S. I like talking to homeless people, I mean once you got past da odor. So far I have meet a former Harvard professor, Of course alot of Vietnam vets, and black panther.


PSS...I met few English women yesterday. Heavens these women are ugly. I get the feeling England is leprecon colony

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^^^I was not trying to take away her freedom to do as she wants. I just find it funny that she considers security guards as "helpers" loool, implying that as someone who has a better role, she should not mix/ talk with the helper, even though she clearly has something in common with them, i.e. both work in the same place, possible employed by the same employee.


CL: They are going to have an opinion of you regardless of whether they talk to you or not. Lol. Knowing the security guards were walking around always made me feel better, specially when I worked late. I hate big buildings :eek: The cleaners even use to get me cards and presents for Christmas. I spoke more to them than some of my collogues. They always have interest stories about third world countries.

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^She is just someone's helper unless she owns the place or she is richard bronson's chick. Still she can associate whoever she wants or conduct herself whatever way she likes.

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Originally posted by Ibtisam:

The cleaners even use to get me cards and presents for Christmas. I spoke more to them than some of my collogues. They always have interest stories about third world countries.

Oh the irony! :D

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ma wali aa security guards wadiin? i think all you girls have a subconscious fetish with men in suits icon_razz.gif


God i'm sleepy...

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^^^men look fab dressed up icon_razz.gif


ma wali aa
security guards wadiin?

What happened to your perfect somali? and wat does this say?? I don't get it. :(

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^^^OH :D thanks. redface.gif lol.


What on earth is in Hert? My uni is sending us on a residential to the country side, it looks like it is going to rain all weekend though :( Still I guess I can catch up with sleep and swim.

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Ibti- there different classes of helpers i.e. like hierarchy loll good lord I am kidding…. “Helpers” is funny words I love using whenever I can dee, I am well aware of the irony btw


p.s Ibtis- cleaners are the best people to speak to, endless stories of life left behind, promises/dreams they had its just amazing conversing with them sometimes.


p.s.s che- that’s harsh thing to say, but don’t worry those kinds of girls are normally found in Essex only the….


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^^ All you seem to do is eat or sleep, woman! If you go back over this thread I bet you'll find at least twenty posts of yours about eitehr of these two things. FIX UP.



You're lucky that CL is a bit slow or she would have really given you what for after reading that last post of yours. :D

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Ibti- there different classes of helpers i.e. like hierarchy loll good lord I am kidding…. “Helpers” is funny words I love using whenever I can dee, I am well aware of the irony btw


p.s Ibtis- cleaners are the best people to speak to, endless stories of life left behind, promises/dreams they had its just amazing conversing with them sometimes.


p.s.s che- that’s harsh thing to say, but don’t worry those kinds of girls are normally found in Essex only the….


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