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Of course it's a personal choice. Being a racist is a personal choice. Being a rapist is a personal choice. There are lots of personal choices in life; it still does not mean they're right.


You're not rejecting him because he's incompetent. You're not rejecting him because you think he's a pervert. You're not rejecting him because he charges too much. You're rejecting him because (like you) he's a Somali! Your logic there beggars belief, my dear.

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NG- I already declared that my reasons are irrational/unexplainable why must you search for logic? There is no logic to it, I just cant, maybe am shy you never know… smile.gif


Ps. i can’t believe it am on the same line as rapist/murderers how double dare you!

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Amused @was it that hard to admit you were never shy, but glad to know you bought it...


p.s I think that will be my straight jacket defence from now onwards…it’s because am shy…

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CL, perhaps you should remember you are there only to get your teeth sorted. He is qualified and available. End of story. Stop trying to mentally want to impress the Somali dentist & knowing that's hard when your lying upside with your mouth open & tubes in your mouth icon_razz.gif

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Lily-am disappointed I expected better than that :( , I don’t even know if he is young/old/good looking or butt ugly. Frankly I didn’t even think about impressing him. I just could not go and open my mouth. What abt you?, if the shoe was on the other foot and all and don’t give me a generic reply plz

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I would rather assume that than to think you though your own were some how less qualified hmmmm.


As for me, why would I care if he is Chinese or Somali? Somali ppl are branching out into many professional fields & it’s not a big deal, it all depends, how badly does your tooth hurt?


p.s. we have a Somali Dr. in our local hospital, saw him twice and I found him very cool, kind and professional.


I guess you have stop thinking you share anything with a person just because they are Somali, they still strangers to you. I will take your word for it that it’s irrational.

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Originally posted by cynical lady:

NG- its called personal view, i am sure you will enjoy having a Somali woman attack your mouth with metal instrument, I for one rather have anyone else I don’t care about gender or race just not Somali man woman yes (the idea traumatized me) how is that sad I wonder?


Norf- £20 I will gladly give it back so I can run out of the place….


Ps I would love to get a females opinion on this I guess

What proffession are you in? Suppose,say you are a well qualified proctologist(wild choice,but it’s a choice yeah). And, some weired 40 something dude(you choose,theres a dozen here in SOL :D ) refuses your service because you are a Somali. Another refuses to even look at you because you are a Sujuu. How would you feel?


I understand where you coming from, Ethically speaking, I am sure you consider ALL Somalis to be family,but my dear the days of considering any somali "family" are long gone. I think, you should consider loosening up.


I love being served by Somali Professionals. My butcher is Somali, my security guard is Somali(even tho he couldn’t defend himself), My Chef is Somali, My Shrink is Somali,(ok maybe not a shrink,am sane,lol) My Doc is Somali, my Dentist is Somali, my dry cleaner is Somali, my Tailor is Somali, my barber is Somali…& they do a pretty darn job at what they do. Have faith in your people,would ya?


As we say back home, Wacha madharau,aisee ,siste smile.gif

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She is shy, people. She's denying it of course but I bet she's blushing like a baboon's bottom as she types all these denials. :D



Shy is sweet.

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I am please and am not questioning there professionalism, hell am proud of Somalis branching out into different fields (more please)...and I don’t consider them family for the matter and should someone refuse my services/if I was on the same position because am Somali I wont mind hell its there loss/choic just Like me. I just can’t tap into my reasons, I don’t know why I said HELL NO yet, hence why I can’t justify my irrational decision. But I still think am not ready for Somali dentist or gynaecologists yet… who knows maybe in 10yrs time I will be singing to different tune…


North- I wish I could give them a try hell am sure I will get some discount/extra treatment if I am nice to the guy but I am not welling to open my mouth. Somali woman yes please…I would love to have female dentist.



NG-I take offence 2 that baboons bottom… how double dare you! & shyness is not cute its an impasse to success/am not shy


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You remind me one of the Somalis sister I went Uni with. She always used to hangs out with the other black races mostly, African American and Nigerians. She did not want to mix with Somalis ( there weren't that many anyways). I don't know if it is true but a friend of mine once told me that any Somali girl who avoids other Somalis is hiding something.

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hahahah-Now that’s just foolish claims, I don’t run from Somalis hell I just avoid them note the difference loll- seriously since am ok with Somali female dentist and not male Now do you see how irrelevant your comment is?

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