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I wish lily, but no am going there this summer though, hence the yarning for home. But I do recommend it, it’s better than Kenya there so backward (lol).


Ps if your there don’t fgt to book yourself a trip to the mafia islands, Bagamoyo, mtwara hell stick to the coastline you will enjoy Tanzania (avoid the Somali resorts at all cost)

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^^^Hey when in summer are u going?? icon_razz.gif


Loool. Ms DD, thanks for thinking of me, but I won't be going. I saw the leaflets at the mosque the other day... at least they are advertising the event. Can I predict in advance that it will be an utter failure. :D


All the little boys will turn up (mainly to look around and so qasho the girls) and the girls will be older and more serious (well at least about the event), a total miss-match I tell ya. It is not in the Somali culture to be on time and formal and serious... or follow rules. lol, I wish I could see the looks on the organizers face when they see the chaos. lol


Do report back if haadad banaanka ka qasho to. :D

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MDD, am shocked I though you were promoting the blooming event, why the cold feet now dear? I have a good feeling its going to the aqwaan crew attending this event, i don’t know why I just know It lol

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LOL@ complete mismatch, ibtis you never know the aqwaan crew can surprise you…


Ibtis I have not finalised the dates yet but am looking at june-sept, why are you coming?

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You should go, dear. If not to fish yourself a suitable boy then at least do it to shore up the numbers of decent participants.


In fact, I reckon all the single SOL Londoners should go. It is not guaranteed that you will find a partner but one must encourage such events.



Val is becoming braver by the day. :D

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Ms DD, do you mean to say there's some kind of speed dating thing coming up this weekend? With Somalis? That just boggles the mind.


They'll spend the first 5 of the 7 minutes discussing their qabiil credentials.

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Loooool @ Cara, that is what I mean, I would love to be there as an observer, it would be a such laugh. Lol It is as un-Somali as you possible get, without falling off the cliff.


Ngonge; Lool. No thanks.

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Honestly! You Somali girls are just all talk. When someone mentions marriage to you, you all go on about how many faraxs are there in the world. You complain that they're backward and typically 'Somali'! Yet, when someone comes up with such a different idea as Speed Dating, you all retreat into your Somali shells and pick faults with it. Frigid the lot of you. Wax esko fala.

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The only problem I can foresee with this event is the crowd.


I'm sure there will be plenty of good sisters, but I very much doubt there will be guys of the 'right' mix (Financially and emotionally mature and responsible). They will either be too young, too old or too, erm, how should I put this last category - not forward or worldly thinking enough.


Well, thats my impression of most of the guy I come across.

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I'm sure the speed dating thing will soften the presure of being tugged by a boyfreind.If you don't like what you see give him or her the cold shoulder.There should be no disapointment if you were the one that picked the person sitting across.Speed dating thing raises up the ladder of reaching to your goal.No one will bicker about the trivialities of looks.What you got is what you see.If you understand the somali mans nature and you tactfully cater to his needs there is no need of being afraid of competition :D

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