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Troll Corner

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^Lol,I am just tiding up my office, waiting to have lunch and say my goodbyes to those leaving..We did our assemblies over the week.


To all the SOLERS, wishing you all a Happy New Year.. smile.gif

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Dahia, Happy New Year to you too and hope you had a wonderful Eid.


I thought about calling in sick this morning, but it would have been too obvious, then had to run for the train because I spend all my time thinking about calling in sick...oh well, here I am now.

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After the Christmas party yesterday that started 10am god help me am exhausted and the worse part of it is everyone else called in sick apart from me…who the hell made me a workaholic so 2pm sharp am packing my bags and saying goodbye…..



Ps did anyone else notice how empty the trains and buses where today? I even managed to get a set

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Hello Trolls!


Enjoying a calm day at the office, I presume? I'm amazed at how much work I have been able to do in the last couple of days without the usual distractions (my phone only rang once all morning!!!).


4pm rolls around and I'm gonna be starting my Eid celebration properly I'A!


Hope you all have a fantastic break I'A. I'm certainly looking forward to vegetating in front of my TV! :cool:

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Went to the mosque misd the first prayer, I was gutted since that means I misd all the relatives I see Eid to Eid and now I wont know who got married, who gave birth etc … ohh well next Eid I guess, I then bought phone cards spoke to my siblings then hit the sack…. Looked outside it was cooooooold I ran back and slept some more… but am going to Zanzibari Eid Party tonight though

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^^ Just you and I here m'lady. All the students and teachers are probably still fast asleep. I was at least expecting Val and Serenity to take time out from their busy jobs and start flooding the site for a day. They must be off too!

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Nope am at work, I was attempting to take an advantage of the quite day at work to finish my unfinished business before the new year…. But its to quite for my likeing henceforth am spooking myself… what about you are u on your day off?

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