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Troll Corner

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Loool Juxa- I was asking so I can run with people like me. I hate those skinny rats that sprint past you with make up and sun glasses at 6am! Makes me wanna run after them and pull their hair or trip them up redface.gif My old gym, this model use to train the same days as me- I hated her with passion, who the hell wears make up and hair done up to the gym. :rolleyes: She looked perfect all the time- But then again, she made a living out of looking good- so I guess it is only faire right.


North hope she gets well I'A

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MAx Allah ha ku caafiyo.


C&H Talking about hot dudes, I have to avoid logging into our facebook account- at least when fasting. Two guys on their weka dambaajiin. Seriously Horta the comments kill me.


Any guy who has more than 5 pictures on their profile wa ustus waxiid.


**Juxa I have been asked to be a bridesmaid for two weddings- one they are flying me to Syria to take part in the week long wedding in June. So I’ve been told that I must look my best and not ruin the pictures. redface.gif


C&H I forgot about those hot pants. You start watching the girls till you wonder tolow maa anika aya walaan miis duniid wey daqaadey!

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what is the matter maxy? sidee lagu hayaa


ibti i dont see why you are running to begin with? woman prancing around with their perfect figure grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lama jecla

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I hate those skinny rats that sprint past you with make up and sun glasses at 6am! Makes me wanna run after them and pull their hair or trip them up My old gym, this model use to train the same days as me- I hated her with passion, who the hell wears make up and hair done up to the gym. She looked perfect all the time- But then again, she made a living out of looking good- so I guess it is only faire right.

:D:D OMG, this is the reason why I cancelled my membership. I had a gym membership since 2001 and I liked the gym. But,80% of the people who workout there are either bodybuilders(yuk!) or skinny college girls who wear heavy make up, hair done and wear skimpy out fits(shorts that look like underwear, sports bra that looks like a pushup bra, etc). I have even seen a couple of Somali girls(veryyy fit)wearing those pants that have a writing on the bottom so you cant help but read whats on their but(like dilicious, bootylicous :eek: ). So I get what you're saying. I also used to constantly fight the urge to choke them.

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^^^lol why?


C&H Well she did not demand that, but she is putting so much effort into it and dieting like mad to fit into her dress perfectly- we thought we'd support her and also scrub up a little for her day.

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lower your gaze ladies, anigu koleyba i see no evil, i hear no evil khalaas


ibti, this is where i come in, indeed you need to look your best and alot lady like (yes you can be real wiilo sometimes).


this calls from shopping spree, speaking of which, i wont mind going this weekend, i have alot to celebrate for

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^^^ :mad: What do you mean lady like!! I am lady like :mad: I even weak pink with those high heel monsters called shoes!!. Which reminds me: Juxa you need to stop spreading your stories. When I met GG from SOL. She could not believe I was a normal: She thought I was over weigh, sugar addicted, hyper, rude, manly, ill mannered Bengali! icon_razz.gif and it is all your fault :D:D


Shopping did you say?

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how is it my fault? allahu akbar. you did have your rep long before i joined meeshan.


besides i would never say you were overweight, if it was anoroxic ahem waxkale bey ahaan laheed

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^^^Okay the "manly, rude, sugar/ cake addicted and ill mannered Bengali" bit is your fault :D I'm sure she got that from troll corner!

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