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jewish grannies running around with spandex :eek: That does not sound healthy for the eyes :eek:


Fu-fu it is strange indeed.


North what is wrong with her? what did you do to her?

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Oh, how did I miss the nephew part redface.gif


C&C I'm going to try going jogging outdoors at 6am next week- while the family is away

I dont like jogging or running.What I enjoy the most is a good, quick-paced long walk, the kind that leaves you drenched in sweat.

:D @"where do unfit people go." They stay indoors. It shouldnt be intimidating though. It should be motivating. I found Great excercise DVD serious that make you clunch your sides in pain but good pain.


BTW, I was banned from the lake(actually I banned myself) because there are these terrific looking, amazingly in shape, gorgeous guys prading around in what looks like their underwear, running and grunting in all kinds of weather. And I cant stop admiring the view. So enuff haram I said.

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Ibti poor unfit ppl are too embarrassed to run on the road.


But really, 6am? It’s pitch black!


C&H, I thought that would be a motivation icon_razz.gif

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C&h, adiga nuursi miyaad meesha uatgtay misa orod smile.gif



PS.nowadays everything about training and fitness is becoming overrated

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Originally posted by *Ibtisam:

North what is wrong with her? what did you do to her?

She has malaria injection a couple of days ago. Been cranky since.

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norf i hope little one feels better soon insha allah.


ibti, leave fat people alone, you lot all pretending inaad like mr murqo-weyne, 6 pack qabtaan


come off it will you.


signed (fat woman within me)

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Fufu, ma ordi kartaa horta? Muruqyo waawaynes can't usually run. No self respecting Somali is unable to run.


Juxa, she will be fine IA

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Norfy to be honest with you i can run but i'm too slow even before i started weight lifting i wasn't the fastest kid ..laakin i can run on a treadmill 30 minutes none stop but my legs won't appreciate tht smile.gif

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C&H, I thought that would be a motivation

:D No sweet Lily, what lady in her right mind would miss that kind of view, excercise kulahaa. sitting back and relaxing and enjoy the view is the only logical way to go icon_razz.gif

C&h, adiga nuursi miyaad meesha uatgtay misa orod

Ermm.. my intention was to walk but those amazing creatures get in the way. And thats why I quit :(

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@ juxa badow aatahay nooh i said i can run on a treadmill but i didnt say i can sprint like Osain boilt ..sidii diidinki xataa waa loogu dul ordaa treadmill ka ma'ogid miyaa lol nice

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