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Troll Corner

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someone must edited what duceysane said apart from my hadal badni.

Juxo, no body has edited anything, what you see up there is all I said. Yarta Ibti ah iyadaa qalad u fahantay af soomaligaan filayaa. Where did I ever mension your family? I think in aad meel cidla ah ka xanaaqday. bola sana

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i think bolanimada is one of astaanta adiga lagugu garto, either way meesha kula har as i dont like meeshay wax usocdaan

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The Metro was full of stories about husbands killing wives, and wifes having affairs and drugging husbands before killing them. 5+ stories on such madness, I guess there was no other news.



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Ngonge is having early lunch i think, ileyn cuno buuran meeshay gashana buuran


Norfsky, not working today so no need to pretend i am all liberal and understanding. chop his head waaye


ibti waa runteed, i read all those horror stories in metro today, worst man laces mistress's drink with abortion pills

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Must had a visit from the tablespoon fairy in my house,could not find a single spoon anywhere this morning..ate cornflakes with teaspoon,took me twice the time to eat..ish!


Afternoon people!

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