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Troll Corner

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lol girls bein offenders, Johny, yes it happens only in Goteborg,



JB and Ngonge hog dhurwaa ayey isku qodayaan, hadey ku dhacaana si ay uga baxaan wey yaqaanaan

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Heh@Juxa..I'm a polite pervert, dear.

But I see nothing wrong with admiring god's creation (not too much when it comes to women of course but, usuallay, the first glance is enough).


Ibti, I am not the first to compare women to flowers, waxaagan bir hadlaysa la moodayo. Beauty is beauty (and no eye of the beholder nonsense..I and JB are the beholders here, silly). icon_razz.gif

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Johnny B   

Ibti, It must be NGONGE's description of you, hi-heeled Hijabi.

True, i don't see hijabs often,they live in another dimension.


NGONGE, this morning on my way to work P1(local Radio ) was talking about girls as sexual offenders, how big is the risk of UK girls, offending you in the Tube?

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Johnny B   

Nuune, New office, new network,,,, (pssssssssyt ) very slow wireless connection, despite we're the leading company in our branch. ;)


Besides,,, Ibti got that effect on me, anytime an iyada wax ka qoro ,, wey ega burji adagtahay yacni... even me n her alone in a dark room , i 'd walk out . :D



Juxa,ani iyo Nuune iyo JB baaquli dhareer aan buuxinay madaxaaga. icon_razz.gif


CL... Just met a smashing Sujui, from Tanzania .. i need your help and i unlike Ibti count on you...

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ibti, nuune, ngonge, JB, CL, why are you ignoring johnny offending me :mad:


bilaa caleek tutigiin, i am out unless you beat him with bakoorad and get me apology and xaal isla socda

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Just got private dental and general wellbeing insurance for £11.95 a month, they will pay for 70% of my massages, acupuncture, chiropractic and dentist.


Juxa he insulted me as well, something about even in a dark room I am still ugly, but I am keeping quite, who wants Johnny to find them attractive, TV buu kaa diigin, don't you see how he chases serenity around. No thanks. icon_razz.gif:D

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Johnny B   

lol @ TV.

Juxa iyo Ibti, what do you girls take for xaal?


I must be politically correct here , otherwise my woes of CL's lack of empathy may materialize. :D

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Johny, drop it waryaa, and leave da ladies alone,


Juxa, I haven't seen it actually, da troll was goin too fast for indhahayga waayeelka ah, bikoorad kaliya la dhici maayo ee duubkaan ka siibi.



Johny, now bixi xaal as soon as possible and apologize to both sisters, be a man smile.gif

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