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^^Hello smile.gif

Ngonge it plays no part, you are a women, and someone in this huge world will think you are beautiful, beauty is not agreed upon.


As for ugly daughters, every mother and father things their kids are beautiful regardless. :rolleyes: It is too late to back track from your admissions. :cool:


Juxa leave him to it, he will be fine after lunch, not enough food in Qardho at these times.

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Juxa, don't make me search the records now and post those complaints here ,,,,,,,,,, ehem


U and Ibti have the beauty that i want for my daughters but i don't want them like u two denying everything ,,,,,, :D

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Johnny B   

Î think of Ibti everytime i see a hijbified young woman. how come?.


Juxa iyo qurux in the same sentence waa haram. icon_razz.gif


Afternoon small people. :D

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^^oord oo is tuux for your comments icon_razz.gif


Johnny lol? Really? Either you don't see hijabs often or must think of me all the time!! :eek:

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fufu waa kufiicanahay, ii waran?


hello geela smile.gif (humming geelaa markuu dararanyahay labo nin duugtaayee labo nin wont be long before nuune or J11 point out my mistakes)


JB, itus aa kudhahay itus. from a woman's point of view wax kaxun maleh being judged by your looks. fortunately that never applied to me.


Johnny usheeg, hello by the way and stop day dreaming about ibti( she is too young)

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^^ Who said anyone is being judged? Flowers have many uses (such as being used for perfumes and health products, medicine, etc) but the most memorable thing about a flower is its beauty. If I say I look at a flower becuase it's beautiful, are you saying I'm judging every thing a flower is? icon_razz.gif


War these women are militant ninyaho.



Welcome Geel Jire & Johnny. :D

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Johnny B   

Ibti, It must be NGONGE's description of you, hi-healed Hijabi.

True, i don't see hijabs often,they live in another dimension.


NGONGE, this morning on my way to work P1(local Radio ) was talking about girls as sexual offenders, how big is the risk of UK girls, offending you in the Tube?

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You are (literally) refusing to take things at face value here (yes, yes, I know Cara :D ) and reading things into it that are not there, Juxa. That, is militant. icon_razz.gif

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i wish you and JB would come out and declare inaad corrupted tihiin.


be like Johnny...brave yacni about your qaabdaro.


ps: johnny kama helin, he called me ugly earlier

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