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We have a female colleage here and nobody notices if she is around or not ... nobody waste time to look at her when she passes by .... i won't tell u why but isn't that bad for her ?? ,,,,


And some, you can never resist but to say "subax wanaagsan, ma fiican tahay" before u even enter your office ,,,,,,, :D

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Baal Anaga aya waaxa aragan, so your hello, how are u does what for her?? :confused: Most of the time I am invisible, and I like it that way.


As for the thing about men staring at your daughters, acudubililah, next you will be telling us you want her to have a boyfriend so she can feel good that someone is interested in her.


P.s. Ngonge is the guy who freaked out when he heard his little girl talking about other people liking someone. He is just trying to get a reaction, come man, the guy is Arab, he will follow his poor daughters everywhere. JB I’m not too sure about that one, waaxa kaasta aya ka suur kala. Plus he comes from the liberal tribes of SL, people wa kala libaax in SL you know icon_razz.gif:D

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^^ Adigu your reputation precedes you, saaxib. They all assume you are talking about something dirty here and not simple beauty or a head turner (with no sexual implications involved).

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what is liberal about your daughter being noticed among the others ??? ,,,,,,,, she must be a star shining among the others and that is one of the gifts you get from Allah ,,,, :D



Woman is not a "woman" if she doesn't make men think, glance and at least make a comment.

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Can't believe she is hearing this from a Muslim MAN :eek:


Lets change the subject, for the sake of your daughters, waan ku duuceyna. I hope you don't turn them into catwalk models just to make them feel like a women. (When did being a women become about beauty) :confused:

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cynical ok then, jokes aside all i said is you are making the old men actually believe your words. i feel you may be bit sarcy.


Ibti, i told you before i dont feel womanly, ileyn it was cause no one notices me. thanks JB for clarifying


hello fu-fu, hello sheekhunaa


ps: why is reer qardhoodka not talking to me? see camel yaaqey

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Juxa and Ibti, aren't the two of you complaining a lot about guy staring at u, trying to talk to u, stalking and so on ??? ,,,,,,,,, I think u do a great job here ,,,

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Juxa, I thought he was telling YOU to tell ME that he is not talking to me, maybe he wants ME to tell YOU that he is not talking to you :D I don't know, reer qardho have suuircyo

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Are you trying to say that beauty does not play a BIG part in being a woman? Caqli dumar waaxid (I feel the sexism here is justified). icon_razz.gif


Keep up with the thread of thinking here..JB is talking about beauty. What man would want to have ugly daughters?

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JB, intee igu aragtay anigoo complain gareynayo from being starred horta, ninyow recordka sax.


Ibti lool wareeray anigu wareeray

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