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loool Ibtisaam meesha sawiro lafiiriyo maba lahan all the women on F'book tend to look alike. smile.gif don't they?



EDIT:sayid somali Maalin wanaagsan sxb

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Norf just scrool pass it dhe icon_razz.gif


Fu-fu, I would have to go through their pictures to come to that conclusion dhee. I guess if you look every day, everything starts to look same. smile.gificon_razz.gif

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^take the 'h' out of the 'dee' otherwise you sound like you saying 'duh' as in homer simpson.


fufu indhaha miyaa nuureysaneysa before ramadan? you reminded of lecture i heard last ramadan about the many ways you can make sinna




-and finally intercourse


my advice to you saxiib is to looked at your oori when ever you feelt he urge to look other women's pictures - take with you different pictures of your oori even if need be :D

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I am not looking forward to hunger-enduced headaches. They r particularly nasty.In fact, I have a headache now; the kind where the eyeballs hurt when moved. Hopefully start on Sat to ease us in(for those of us in the West)!


Norf,explain pls.

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When southerners talk about oori, I was think it had something to do with Orgi (the male goat) I wondered why they were still talking about a damn goat in the UK, of all things to remember about somalia, orgi bey weeli daabsocdan I use to think. redface.gif

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hahaha@waan kugu riyooday


ibti, oori waxa isticmaala gobalada dhexe dadka ka yimada, i guess dhagahada catogarise intan dhihin DHEE to be from same gobol.


salaama sayidkoow and ramadan wanaagsan.


fufu lower yr gaze si aadan weershe unoqon

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Juxa, not long ago baan kaal bertey. Now I can even tell people's clan by the way they write/ speak somali icon_razz.gif I have it down to the T now :D hehe

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Lol, yeah book ba la igu qoorey, weliba with annotations of each clan waax lagu dhacadeyo. Belo dheh, miid somalia kaa yimi gave me extra lessons when we were waiting for lessons during uni days.

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faan badanaa ibti ..bal adiga afsomali sifiican uqor


Juxa weershenimada waa lo dhashaa ee laiskama noqdo so maogid

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