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Ms DD   

if you were taking the train, u should have contacted me. At least u are back safely..Alhamdulilaa h.

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Heh@Xena. I had to do the same when I got back. So much for family.


Hark at DD making her offer after the event! icon_razz.gif

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Sitting and observing what ppl are writing is strange. this is bizzare! its kinda like your communicating with people but your not actually there! if you know what i mean??

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Ngonge you came back from SL, you had one half empty suitcase!!! LOL


Ms DD, did I mention 7.30am??? :D LOl



Norf I missed this place, wind and rain and all!!

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Originally posted by Xena:

Ngonge you came back from SL, you had one half empty suitcase!!! LOL

He came through Dubai. Shandad weyn oo laga buuxiyey duruuc buu ninku siday :D

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^^^Aaah, I see!, :D


Ngonge where is my five sets then??


Ms DD Will remember that next time! icon_razz.gif


Facebook won't let me upload any pictures! :mad:

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Did someone mention dirac? I really need one - there's a party coming up in a couple of weeks, I'A, and I've been told ilow iyo ilow I have to go.



Xena, am actually uploading some photos at this moment and surprisingly it states I can upload up to 200 photos per album. Of course, I've been sitting here for two hours so far and only managed to get 20 up. Could the problem be your computer?


NG - I read your prediction. Very funny!

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^^ Already going to parties? Caga dhigo, woman. Don't appear too eager and plaster your face all over town.


But you are a sweet diplomat. I liked the way you spoke to Ibti as if she would understand what you're talking about. :D

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Val, I think waa this qor qor computer. Photo will have to wait I guess.


I got some yummy Diracs. Strange ones :D

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