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^^AT & T saan u nacayba warkiisa ma hayn :D . Hadduuse London yimid Paragon-ow awoowe xil baa ka saaran ee soo dhawee.


NG, Hargeysa tegey baa la yiri ee maxaa ka jira? SL ngonge ka maarmi weydey :D .

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^Lol. War ninku nin la nici kara ma ahan, adeer. Balse hadduu caawa London gees ka joogo Wallee waa sidaad sheegtay oo xil baa iga saaran sidii lagu marti qaadi lahaa. Aniguse waxay ila tahay inuu London kale joogo. Hadduuse halkan ila joogo oo uusan na soo wargelin, xal baaba isuguba saaran. :D


War Ngonge, wuxuu in badan 'sujuunimo' qaraaba kiilka iyo qaraankuba kaga gabbadaba maanta waa nin la hayo. Talow ma reerkaa tira koob isu sameeyey oo soo ogaadey in Ngonge overdue qaaraan lagu leeyahay? Illeen ninku aamusyee ma interview or review ayaa lagu sameynayaa? :D Wixi jira Allaa og balse hadduu illaa hadda waan nabad tagey oo oran waayey arrinku ma sahlana, sxb. :D

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^ :D:D @ overdue qaaraan


Odagu waa raggeedii. Waxayse ugu darantahay maalintuu Burco tago oo afku meelahan kusoo qori jirey uu la shirtago


AT &T shidda naga haysatta awoowe,siduu gobonimo doon u yahay baad waxaad arkaysaa asagoo Ya Gazetangnaw Mastawasha ka sheekeynayya :D

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^Lol. Tanna waan aqaan ayeey ka tahay adeer.


Lol@afkuu meelahan ku soo qori jirey. It wasn't that bad, was it? Either way ninku waa caqli miiran and would adapt to the new evironment of Burco quite easily. That's because reer Burco wey soo dhoweyn badan yihiin. smile.gif

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Hello folks!


Can I say am now truly a Somali!, I finally had drunk some camel milk and eat its meat,Yummmy! iga dhe.Spent few days in badiya,where I had the chance to herd these majestic creatures,alla! Somalida uu egaa wuxuu.. :Dicon_razz.gificon_razz.gif Kibirka!!


Haye, igarta ya all good?

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WOW WOW Malika ,,,,,,,,,,, Now i will be your personal bodyguard from anyone who wants to faan faan you about Somali.....



Welcome back ,,,,,,,,

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^ smile.gif ,Thank You Jac. Yeah back to the land of the privileged[depressed people]..Lol


Che,indeed it was a memorable experience,Africa tends to always re awakes me from the slumber of being over privileged. smile.gif

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