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^Masha'allah..A good feeling indeed,stay with the thoughts that brought that calmness.


Interms of books,I have this very old masxaaf which goes into details on every surah,it has been very useful.


Have you noticed, sometimes when your reading quraan-with translation for meaning,a certain ayah just feels like it was meant for you for that particular moment?

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Malika, Maashaa Allaah, the whole Quraan feels so LIVE, is like LIVE broadcast when you reading it, every Ayah of it anagaa naloogu tala galay inaan fahano, ku dhaqano, ku camal falno, it is a way of life, guidance from Allah.



Mornin to you, and the rest

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^Sabax kheyr Nuune,


Indeed,nuune. Especially there are times when one is feeling a certain way,and an ayah catches your eye,a message is sent to your heart.subhanallah,its indeed a guidance.


I have a job interview this afternoon,my days of trolling would probably be over if I get the

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^umhm. Yes, lots of Quran; can't think of anything else. I was at the Blue Mosque last Jumca. It was great praying in those surroundings instead of the back rooms I am used to here. When will that stop!? I felt part of the community even if it wasn't mine. Really lovely.

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Upon checking our Fixed Assets it was discovered that there is a tiny coffee table missing.


OH. MY. GOD! A table is missing. I see ahead of me an exciting day unfolding. It'll be hours of he said, she said and the last sightings of the table in all corners of the universe.


They're trying to drag me into it but I am refusing to budge. I already agreed to help them find the missing monitor yesterday (and that intself was an epic, because, there was no monitor to start with). :D


Your question for the day is: How many people does it take to find a missing table?


( Eight so far). :D

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^A weak bunch of staff they are! Running around trying to find a bloody coffee table.


Sheh, you're SOL's version of Michael Palin! Where next?

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You know, Resistance, one day they will and I bet it will have something to do with coffee tables. Heh.


Norf, what's 'weak' about it? Should they be running around trying to catch a lion then? icon_razz.gif

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Your collegues sound fun,beeritoo waxaad kaa qarisaa the kettle.Let them run around the building looking for it,leave clues around too. :D

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^^ Funny you should say that! The kettle broke down on Monday and they sent a party of three to Macro to buy a new one (along with some shopping for the office). They had the Finance Manager going with them to keep an eye on things. They got the kettle but they also bought enough kitchen towels to dry a bloody river. What's worse, all three are not talking to each other now. :D

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Spent 7 freaking hours in the queue and did not manage to register ...... damn why all ppl want to be there bal ?? ,,,,,


had to quit ,,,,,,,,,,

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