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Originally posted by Valenteenah:

^ In Lambeth? I'm not so sure.

:D No! it is Russel Square today, and i have already brewed some for you.


however don't bring Ibti - she talks to much :D

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LOL @ CL is looking.


Val, I meant I can do it in one day, once a month, but not the whole thing in 2hrs! :eek: Girl you got skill! Congrats :D


Ngonge well done for doing what you get paid to do :D

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LoL Val..."whingeing" You know I just discovered that I have been spelling that word wrong for the longest time.


Ibti...edge to about 10 chocolate pieces..and your hardcore.


I am on a steady diet of Coke Zero and Bounty for the last week...funstuff.

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Jeez ladies, enough with the chocolate talk. I just realized I haven't had any in weeks :eek:


I had the strangest dream sequence last night. It started with me missing the bus, and ended with me trying to convince a teenage girl in a Christian sect to take community college classes. The last thing I remember I was helping her scary father fix the TV so she would have a chance to sneak upstairs and grab a bookbag.

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LOOOL @ cara, you are a freaky dreamer! Even in your dreams you are trying to help people! LOL


Sayid, rain check, better plans.

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^^ does that mean you are checking me out?



Sayid, rain check, better plans

yeah right - more like long walk home in the rain or failing that - falling from the sky like rain tied to kamakazi icon_razz.gif


good luck i say

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Hayam - you are very stressed, I guess? Coke and bounty are heavy. Throw in some peanuts once in a while to fill your protein quota.


Ibti - Thank you. I would usually save some but I'm not willing to risk my sisters getting their grubby mitts on my choccies, so they all had to go today.


Sayid - That's mighty kind of you but it's too cold to venture that far for a cup of tea.


Lily - Resist the temptation. There are only a few weeks to go before the big sales. Resist.


*Waves* @ Cara. That's a nice dream, btw. What did you watch/read before you went to sleep?

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