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Johnny B   


I told you Alle-Ubaahne is after all the liberals on SOL.


Seriously , one'd be hard pressed to believe MI% is not intrested in the old man. :D

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The thought crossed my mind, Fu-Fu. :D

But then I thought maybe one from the tol did something and these guys have been sent to seek revenge. I must keep in close contact with the clan. I really must.

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^^ i think you are imagining things


if your tol-kinman did something, it would be possible to seek revenge against you but only if you were in somaliland.


fear not, quraanka aqriso

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I just got this text, it's a funny one but you can see it's written by a guy.



"One day, a long time ago in a land far far away there lived a woman who did not nag, whine or b!tch. But that was just one day and a f*ing long time ago" :D

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Systems can be such a b1tch sometimes.


Just meet the most loveliest/interesting cadaan man ever. Am now so soo happy that he married a Somali lady. He even invited me up to their country house for a weekend stay. Aaah what a turn of events eeh.


Hello people

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