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Oh she is sujui- from where icon_razz.gif We must ask the experts, it might mean something back home.


Maybe she is scared you will poison her? or maybe she wants you to get use to seeing her in your kitchen- so she can poison you. Look around your cupboard- maybe she left the deadly mix in there for next time. :D I like this idea.

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JB, I was talking about women in general who do such things. The VAST majority of Somali ladies would not be visiting a guy at his house before marriage. And if they do so after marriage, it just means they feel at home, since cooking & eating are part of life. So your theory of women rushing to the kitchen wanting to get married doesn’t make sense for Somali women.

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Johnny B   


Who do you think i am? one of your typical farax who runs around believing in 'sixir' and what not?!


the ploy that Suiji girls do 'sixir' is way too surreptitious in Johnny's world.

besides, sujui girls are more cultured than many Somalia-born halimos, and i'm speaking of experience..


love the idea kulahaa.. waad waalantahay adigu. icon_razz.gif

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^^^Johnny: Lool you jumped the gun, I was not talking about sixir, wax yow sirxani! :eek: lol How did you jumpt to that conclusion? lol


I meant that maybe they take more pride in their cooking and kitchen.


I still think it is a fab idea. If I don't see you post next week- I know you are dead. :D


P.s. CL is here- ask her. I know she too likes my idea.

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The question is, why did he let her do the kitchen stuff :D


halkaas ayay arrintiiba ka qalloocatay meel kale ayadoonba la isla aadin.


Waryee Johny, rakcadaasi si qalloocan bey u yara dinnixsatey ee bal si sarajoog ah u liic liici.



intaas ka dib, mabruuk sxb ubad kheyr qaba wiil iyo caano niido iyo gabar iyo caano boore

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if johnny was a woman, he would be called certain name and rightly so.


personally loose people waa isku mid, men or woman.


and did he imply the woman in his kitchen, polishing wine glasses was a sujui woman? meaning they have no morals?


away sujuyadii meeshan joogay?


i agree with lily, she had no business being in your home, or kitchen or doing kitchen stuff.


hada kahor baan maqlay why buy the cow when milk is free!!! i wont like to liken women with cows tho.


hello ibti :D

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Dam right lily; but lets not also forget am not Somali am sijui.


Lily- are you kidding me are u seriously telling me Somali ladies don’t visit a guy’s house before marriage with a straight face? Are you kidding me? *breaks into fits of laughter*


Ibti- I take offence and (it kills me to say this-but I agree with Jonny B) what has sijui and poison got to do with each other? Implying we kill our man are we?

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Johnny B   

^No she doesen't like your idea.

If CL did like your idea, NGONGE would have been dead by now. ;) .


I've seen a thread on SOL regarding Sujui girls & 'sixir' that hanged at the back of my mind. :D


BTW... what is so likeable about leaving some deadly mix in some guy's cupboard ?


Lily ,

My theory of Somali women dashing to the kitchen can be traced back in experience .

Whenever i vissit a Somali family .. women-folk dash to the kitchen and male-folk in the (sittin)living room.

prove me wrong. icon_razz.gif

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^^Family is different to some chick who is visiting you in your house. I don't expect girls who visit me to clean my kitchen- let alone if I were I guy!!



Juxa Johnny wants to marry her- so that whole why buy the cow when the milk is free might not work. I guess he wants the meat :D


CL not only sujui girls- I wish it were all girls. Then we can get rid of some of the more useless ones :D


Johnny: it is appealing to me. miyad baqadey?? fuuley :D


Juxa Hello smile.gif go back to studying :mad:

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You people are missing the point; am sure the woman in question was busy demonstrating her domestic goddess’s credentials. With a subtle hint for Johnny to give up his bachelorhood for her.



Jonny- I have a life insurance on the old man... i can’t act all hasty now can i?


Ibti- i support that....break on the days of male castration ;)

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Johnny B   

^Firstly Ibti , If i don't marry her ( i hope she accepts my purposal ) it won't be because of her vissit to my kitchen , neither would it be of the contrary, i mean there is more to this girl than a kitchen-vissit can reveal , but , the point was if this was a Somali-female known-move ( a custom if u like ) , a patren that charectrizes Somali girl(woman).


That you either posture phony feminism or happen to have had a bad-farax-experience is not good reason to find dealy mixs appealing, so convince me more. icon_razz.gif



i protested , but to no vail.

It was a combination of "shiix, sheex" and respect ... i diden't know what to do .. getting openly upset or protesting wildly was not an option.



You rather see me talk of men?!



The old man is safe and sound , not bacuse of a fat insurance, but happens to be a manly man, hence my envy.




You can call me names , my gender is of littel if any intrest , regarding looseness.

If you're thick enough you risk exploadig, no?!...

simply .. there is more in life , than eccelerating it's complexity. icon_razz.gif

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CL, my bad, I should have said the ‘vast majority of God-fearing’ ones. Certainly not watching TV together & getting cosy on the sofa. If you want to get argumentative about specific details be my guest.


JonnyB, back home in a family setting it’s usually lack of space and good manners. Today it’s most likely to be another room. Why hang on the guest’s every word? If they are people of no interest to you why sit there?

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