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Heh.Fufu, I have so much to loose if she takes me to the law side of US.I will suck it up and remain loyal till I get to my fifties and I move to Africa..The moment I search for a second one she-who-must-be-obeyed will file papers at the courthouse and Everything I worked hard for will be

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i like Mrs Stoic, mind you you shont even mention second helpings.


if you were done and dusted like fu-fu i would have understood

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When is this Rastafarah dude going to post something? I get the sense all his creativity was expanded on coming up with a funny user name and now he's all out of ideas :D


LOL @ Stoic. You'll do it anyway, won't you?

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hello fu-fu fiican yaaqay, of course shaqo kujiraa and it is almost 8pm :D


hadaan agahiina dukaan ka furanlahaa sow saacadan loaded ma ahaaden.


ps: mardhaw ghana soo gaaraa insha allah

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Cara, Yeah only after I've stashed some of our joint account money in some dhahabshil account in Africa and I've boasted some undulating overiped belly-making me the king of the village with dirty mind and a naughty young women...Hahaa..then I don't give a hoot what the judge at the courthouse thinks lol

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Geel, kumafahmiin..But I think waxaad kahaadleysaa guurkaa labaad...xajii halkaa kawaat...


PS Sorry for butchering the language

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^ about whipped.


Cara, you heard right. There are hotties to be found in the show, but I think it's the writers that are the stars. Cracking dialogue!

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geeljire mar hadaad ka kaftanto waxa xigta inaad ka dhabeyso. i am glad you were corrected.


stoic is new to the game


hello val

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LoooooooooooooooooL...Rag badan xirig ees kujiraan miyaa. Where's Cl?


Juxa...I like wadaada and I'm not sure I wanna lead their lifestyle-some of them I should say.

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Come on boys. We know joking about it is just a way of testing the waters. Either you already have a 2nd wife and you want to break the news gently, or you are heading that way and you want wifey to get used to the idea.


I remember going to my mom when I was little and saying, "Hooyo, wouldn't it be funny if I accidentally dropped faraantigaaga down the sink while I was pretending to be you doing the dishes? I mean, why would I even wear that ring when you forbid me from ever touching your jewelry case? Hilarious right? Ha ha ha!"

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^Haha..I made my case...Fifty years I'll have the second wife that is only after the last kid is off to college and the house is empty.


I still don't get about what Geelka said..did he admitted he has a second wifey? If so he is my

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