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North you are becoming a hard hearted man :(


Ngonge stop crying its just a damn flu I bet icon_razz.gif


Hi CL.


North Juxa is not here yet- miyaad kuu riyotey, her and CL play tricks on me too- similar picture. :D

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Hadda ayaa la ii sheegay you were not feeling well. If I knew I would have called Universal TV xalay when all those concerned people were calling Sheekh Mohamed Rashaad and were saying "eedaday oo Koma ku jirta 6 years, oo beer xanuun iyo Cancer laga helay iigu ducee" as if the sheikh can reverse their terrible situation.

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^^^It is called coping with difficulties, his duca if nothing else, reminds them to make duca for their loved ones. Don't become judgmental on the tragedies of others

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Originally posted by *Ibtisam:

North you are becoming a hard hearted man


Ngonge stop crying its just a damn flu I bet


Hi CL.


North Juxa is not here yet- miyaad kuu riyotey, her and CL play tricks on me too- similar picture.

CL and Juxa have similar colour avaters I just thought it was Juxa dodging work again.


Ibti, not hard hearted but it is something I am now used to seeing.


Ngonge, get well soon. Caawa UTV ka dhageeso 'Ngonge ina ,,,,,,,,,, oo dhagan ,,,,,,,,,,,, bal u ducee shiekhow calooshaa soconeysee :D

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Thanks for the sympathy, people. Thing is, nobody other than my little boy showed any sympahty for my killer flu. He tried to cheer me up by singing the Fernando Torres song and making me an undiluted orange juice.

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Ngoneg, don't worry all UTV viewers will have sympathy for you tonight.


Ben10 knows the Torres song?? Good on him!


CL, damn!!!!

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aaawww at the kids effort! Mashallah. smile.gif


CL :eek: OH my god, do you have a heart women!! :eek: :eek:


North, that is sad :(

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Ibti- what has heart got to do with it? My dear breaking down, crying or moulding over things you can’t control is a privilege in my books. Anyhow I rather not talk about this.

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CL: I didn't ask you break down or cry or mould over it, something can impact on you without doing any of the above including staying in your memory, loss of sleep, depression, nightmares, shock, rage, anger or any other emotion or action. But to say it did not impact at all- i.e. it was the same as seeing the traffic lights changing colours is a different matter- maybe that is a privilege for the few who can shut down completely smile.gif

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Ibti- I simply don’t have the time for that….loss of sleep, rage, anger, depression their all problems for the privileged. What would one gain out of it all apart from wasting ones time? I don’t know about you but I don’t let things like that impact my life and my sanity.



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Waad iska ciyaari. Now you tell me you don't experience certain emotions. :D If you say it was like watching the traffic light and you forgot about it before you crossed the road, then waan ku sign garaney that you have no time for such things. Otherwise you are just the same as everyone else, privileged or not.


In any case so in control, good on ya.

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Lol Ibti- ofcourse I experience certain emotion; despite what you think I’m infact human. But I don’t let them rule me or impact my life.


Anyhow….do you think there is such thing as “underground relationship”?

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^^ Yes, as long as you mind the gap. :D


As for what CL is talking about, I think I know where she's coming from. Same happens to me. It's an 'out of body experience' sort of thing. You see it, you raise an eyebrow and move on.

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