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Juxa- nothing is free my dear. We can delude ourselves but there is no such thing as free/charity. I say give in and respond in kind to the man’s generosity.

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^^^That is what first came into my mind, some people watch too much Tv and try it out in their life!! :eek: redface.gif


Juxa lol


CL, I don't like it.

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CL, there is such thing as charity, its called charity!


I used to work for an islamic charity an ppl would donate thousands for the sake of Allah and to do good for others.


Noone ever asked for a date or anything else in return for their gifts.

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Originally posted by Blisss:

LooL@Juxa, you crack me up.


Che, why would a married woman name her child after you if she wasn't still 'in love' with you? I like the way men just think, oh it's just a name, waa caadi...dude this sh!t is deep

I don't think there's anything else to it really.

I'm more certain she's not in love, but we do think highly of each other, great woman.





Ibti--manipulate, now we know what did you to the Bengali. Why you are associate manipulation with women?

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Chu-there’s always a motive.. so NO, there is no such thing as Charity.


Ibti- its £1500 and what you have to lose? Come on I don’t like isn’t good enough. Think of the long term impact of that money.

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Johnny B   

This seems to be good gauging tool regarding a Xalimo morale.



Lest one equivocates on Altruism, 1500£ stands to reason ! , or does it ?! :D

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Ibti, is it someone you KNOW? Or is it a random stranger who may read something into your morals and love for money if you accept the offer? icon_razz.gif


If the first, naga tag, kibirka kaa batay. If the second, agree to meet him and I'll personally come to beat him up for you. It wont be charity, it'll be a mugging. :D

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CL she has her dignity to loose, comeon abaayo, qofka ku xerayay charity sharuud ma ahan qof qeyr qaba, as such one really shont associate with him.


Ngonge i am disappointed

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Ngonge beat him up on both occassion and redeem your early outburst


i agree with val.


CL if you were near me babis baan kula dhici lahaa

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Looool at all the different responses!!! LOOOL :D:D


Juxa I could not agree more, I'm sure the money is going to become xaram as it arrives via different intention and it won't be blessed anyway, so can't be worth it.


Loool Ngonge and @ it'll be a mugging. Really?? Cool that sounds liek a good plan, does it matter if I know him.

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Maybe you know more than we do. I am going by my knowledge of Ibti dee. You know her, if her own brother made the same offer she will get offended and refuse. :D


People take part in all sorts of activities to raise money for charity.

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