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^^ You may be on to something here, juxa. I have been putting on weight lately and, though the shoes I wear are the same ones I had for the past nine months, it is possible that my toes have grown fatter! They do feel tight now you mention it!!!

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^You should get that checked out. My friend's teacher's uncle had HT and he lost his ear in a submarine accident.


Sheh, somehow that's both gross and intriguing.

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كل عام ; وأن ;تم بخي ;ر Ramdan Mubarak to you all. smile.gif I have the good Ramdan feeling today, must be the shidan on his way out to be locked up.


Salam & morning

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No, excited about tomorrow. I need Ramdan this year, dambigi ba iga batey. :( Inshallah I am going to be a change women. No more cantrabaqash talking.

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^^^Allah ha ku caafiyo.


Juxa: We got the Camden centre. smile.gif Will get the paper work out today inshallah. PM me your e-mail, so we can Cc you into the dialog.

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ibti qatar, ok shall email you now.


i am looking forward to this ramadan as well, danbigi baa iga batay, but it will be hard ramadan not the gaajo/oon but,,oh well


fufu drink plenty and halkaa ku hindhis

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Aaamin ibti


Ramadaaan kariim dabshid miyaad soo maantahay sxb



EDIT: kan mid biyo cad kubaxaayo uma eko waa inaan cirbad raadsada inkasto mudac dabada laiskaga dhufanaayo aan aduunka ugu necbahay ala xanuun badanaa smile.gif

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Ramadan Kariim folks.


My, isn't it just a Beautiful Day? The sun is shining the skies are blue, the birds are singing (ok I don't ear any birds smile.gif )

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