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^^We told you we wanted to do a fundraising for people in Somalia in Ramadan so they can have a little food or something for Eid. We wanted to speak to some sponsors and get them a little more than what helpful individuals put together. In order to do that we need to do a formal proposal for Juxa to take to her people, however in order to do that you must be a recognized body or registered charity. We thought we could team up with you in that regard. What say you? Speak now kind sir...


And yes we did ask you, here on troll corner, but you must have missed it or something. :confused:


Loool juxa

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lool@her people


i was thinking for much grander scale actually, to get maximum £££ for donation insha allah.


i also intend to name and shame reer sol, we just want a fraction of their pennies. after all it is the season of good will

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Ngonge, the left toe you say? If I recall correctly, that means your primary school classmate (the one who got her ears pierced before all the other girls) has just found out she's pregnant. It was a shock as she thought she was well past that stage.


OR you stubbed your toe yesterday without realizing.


Hello trollers!

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HEllo Cara, your theories always make me laugh!!! LOL


Juxa, no naming, between them and Allah. We will name those who are mean to us or don't help though :D

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Juxa & Ibti


your are proposing a worthy project, but unless you can put together things very quickly in miracle sort of why you are running out of time. in any case if you guys are quite serious about it - i could help you in many ways including hosting premises and official org name for receiving sponsorship money.


the quickest way - will be to work with one our schools and their students in organising an Iftaar or some sort of event which is open to the public and quickly move with the sponsors. very unlikely but do able - as they say if there is will there is way. SOL lot are quite helpful and specially you two - i am sure they will support you in anyway they can.

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^^^What has time got to do with it dude, waar if you can keep up your side, we can do our end and pull everything together, I just need a phone and my black phone book! Juxa just needs a computer and a stick to whip some people.


Please go ahead with offical organisation name and look for schools to host. I will help make the calls if you want.

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Originally posted by sheherazade:

I mean the picture, Norf! Sorry on am Blackberry n can't keep up with Troll pace!

Dubai Metro launch on 9/9/09 at 09.09am :cool:


Ngonge, qof ba cowryey

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Ibti - first of all i presume this is for this ramadan - and if you want the money raised to go to the people in Somalia - the latest you would send that money would be the 15th day of ramadan so they can either use it for what is left of Ramadan and the Ciid. Ramadan is either tomorrow or next day schools all reopen on the 7th of Septembar the earliest day that i can get you a booking and confirmation. that only gives you a maximum of five days to organise the event - are you still asking for what time has got to do with it? and if you want to attract more than your 200 friends or so which at best of time only half would turn up - you need at least three months to organise for it to be succcessful event not three weeks. anyways give me date and time that you intent to hold the event - what the event will be about and preference for another date and time should you first option not be obtainable. the premises will be free but you'll have to think about other cost involved and how you intend to pay.... lot to think about, but still do able if you guys are dedicated 100% - communities and families would turn up - but not pay extronate prices as they simple can't afford it. keep things simple yaah!

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^^^Sayid, its been done and it will be done, don't worry about it.


Sat 11th Sept is a good time, and give us plenty of time to pull together. otherwise the week after.


But Your area is too far for most and bad public transport. Deep south is too far, we need a more central location with easy access.

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central location is important if it can be found.


i leave you to work out the logistic and timing, but sayid if we can get something out 5 days before Eid it would be great

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^^Any charity needs at least 10days to get the month through their paper work bullshid; so no later than 16th of Ramdan.


Working on trying to get Camden area hall today I'A.

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Heh@Cara..the first time I had a female classmate I was eighteen years old. icon_razz.gif


I would know if I kicked something too. I think Norf is right, I saw a child looking at the sandwich I was eating earlier.

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he is too young for unsightly gout. he wore shoes 3 sizes smaller


off to last minute shopping and jalaato eating

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