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Ibti someone aspiring to be a genetic researcher should study your genetics .saan arkay macaan maucune and you hardly gain weight


lol@malagu so ceriye

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ibti, i did not see you call, horta why should it go via-via, i am not attending (love cakes tho)


waves@sayid, soo dhacyaay, ibti and i aa qorshe kaaleh:)

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^^^ why not???


Ibti someone aspiring to be a genetic researcher should study your genetics .saan arkay macaan maucune and you hardly gain weight


lol@malagu so ceriye

:D lol :D

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haye, see layahay? why are people congratulating Jaceylbaro ma Garowe buu minyarad ka soo guursaday mise midkale baa u dhalatay?? smile.gif


Juxa - faras baan ka dhacay? any lacag in it for me?? :D guul la'aan lacag la'aan style!


Fu-fu & nuune - weli walaaqi miyaa wadaan?


Ibti - ma isa sawidhay adigoo aloolan?

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loool@maisa sawidhay adigo aloolan


sayid somali so dhawoow horta geed yaho gacmaha gaaban. walaaqa aad sheegesid xaw yahay

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Ibti - i am back from the miyi. i have salaato ari that looked liked dog's doodo came out of my ears still. btw - miyi has internet now - its 21st century you know - not the 19th century when you was around the miyi last. habaryahay cajuusta ah oo islaan yar loo yaqaan. icon_razz.gif


Fufu - walaaqan ka hadlaayo waa the same one that you and nuune are good at like west african women walaaqs the fufu that you are so fond of. smile.gif

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LOL@ ii tirjuma - what is there to translate??


alla xasidsanidaa - unless people are hospital is that what you say to them??


anyways i hear you modelling like qalaanjo qoor dheer - is it true?? :D

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no ibti did not ask!! she thinks i am past it.


sayid i need shaqo cusub, i want to try my hand in macalinimo ee ninki maka soo noqday travelling. do they allow caruurta latumo waayahan?

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Every year I aim to cut down on my coffee intake so come Ramadan I don’t get the splitting headache. But sadly I never listen to myself.


Hello people and Ramadan karim

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Hello CL and Sayidka waalan ,, :D



I'm expecting a terrible headache for the first 3 days of Ramadan ,, as usual.



No, it is not the coffee at all ,, blame the strong tea.

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