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^Yes, Buuxo. You just said 'I am inlove with him [paragon]. :D


Cynical, mimi viyatu mpira. smile.gif Mimi nimechanganyikiwa kidogo mara mimi mlendo mshairi na mara mimi mzalendo. Yangu nikufwata upepo popote. :D


STOIC, nice lines.


Tribalism does not alter you, to fight your neighbour

But it's the poisoned word that changes an entire society...



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Malika, Mlima ni ndefu na ni nzito kama nanga za meli. Nilipo hesabu miaka nilicho kimbizana na masomo...(8 years primary school, 4years high school, 4years college, and 3 more years to go)...Ya rabi!


EDIT: Malika, am heading down there this wednesday...I'll pass your regards to the old lady!

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^Stoic, so you are an 8-4-4 student? I remember when Moi intruduced it in the late 80s. Not that I was in college then. :D


Sayid, adeer aan kaa kifaaxnee bal inoo kaadi. Maanta dadkayagii baan is helnaye.

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^I was 8-4-4 product...I did high school in Kenya....remember we use to sing Harambee..Nyayo! What a bull that was!

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Stoic- achana na masoma nakwambia (kazi ya midomo si kazi mshefa) anza kuvuta mkokoteni maju mzee- (mental image- Stoic ana vuta mkokoteni marekani- classic)


Paragon- leta kitambulisho. Na koma kuchafua luga ya taifa namna hiyo.

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^Maxaad dooneeysaa? You feel alienated Che? :D


STOIC, yup I remember the harambee and the KCC tetra-pack milk for breakfast in pri. school. Those were days for us though before the IMF imposed fck-up of cost-sharing policy. Kenya was Kenya then. Even till 86 it was OK.

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Is Ibti posting on here today or is it safe for me to come out and feel free?


Hello Somalis.

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CL, wakenya wanasema ni mtindo wa kisasa kuvuta mkokoteni...Vuka baharini tuanze biashara ya mkokoteni.. :D


PS I used to think Paragon ni mlendo...

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LooOoL@Paragon,Did not.I can't recall what 'wewe' meant tho. Makeenino laakiin? :D


Che,Im in the Suiji crew,don't cramp ma style :D

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LOL@Ngonge, you were hiding from Ibti?


Che,when your here doing your Urdu thing yaa wax kuyiradaa? I think Somalis have a phobia with Af


CL..Loooool@Stoic anavuta mkokoteni marekani,akiwa ana nini? not mayai

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^I can't believe you abandon me so fast Buuxo. I must stop you from traveling to Qardho. Taar baan sii diriyaa to the welcoming committee saadan usoo cagadhigan dhulkeeno hooyo :D have no phobia about Swahili,and me rarely speak Urdu well except with Cl and that's cuz she's irrestable smile.gif

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