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Troll Corner

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So am at work today and an email goes to errrrbody from de boss, telling my co-workes that I am going on a leave due to the expectant arrival of a new addition to my family...den the emails keep pouring in....what should I tell them? It ain't happen yet, I'll take her to push tonight? redface.gif

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Can't seem to do anything today. Been hear since 8am writing essays on blogs and forums. I need to learn to stop wasting my time. Alhumdulilah it is friday today.

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Cynical lady, bring your own halal meat and have them throw it on. You have to go with the flow smile.gif Or if you know them very well, direct them to halal butchers.

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F**CK you the moderator that moved my topic to the sports section.I had a REASON why I posted it on General section. I knew Malika and CL don't visit the Sports section! Power tripping Son of a baby Jesus wannabe! :mad:

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Torres, its aight.No hard feelings for whoever that ***** moderator is .I don't even visit that section of the site.I had to check the home page and check the new moderators (or not so new).I only visit the General section and maybe the women section sometimes when they have something to show me....Its ok I needed to officially retire from SOL anyway till next year!Bye people

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