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Johnny B   

Val, you should.

Though, i hate to let this very secret on girls but i'll do it anyway , even though that freind of yours may take notes. icon_razz.gif


Its like this sweet thing , though by being you, you attract anything masculine and i'm everything but an exception, there is this little Man thing i suffer from... Whenever i hug a girl of your clibre,i feel this strong need to have NGONGE(any male at worst) watch, such an event can't go unrecorded. ;)



** waves to CL **

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^Is it because Ngonge makes a good waspish chaperone?


Hello trollers. Today is Friday! The best kind there is smile.gif

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Hey Cara, how's it going?


Howdy SS, naah, staying still for the next few months, I'A.


LoL @ Johnny. Any hugging event must be witnessed by rivals? Right. What other bloke secrets can you share with us?

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Johnny B   

Now that Cara is here i won't share anymore bloke secrets.

This girl has a tendency of applying every newly discovered bloke-bash method on her relationship. ;)

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Talking of men and women, I went with the Mrs to the supermarket last night. It was one of those rare times when I forget and make such a mistake. As we walked in, she picked up a basket and said that she only needed to get a couple of itmes. This was not supposed to be a full blown shopping trip. However, five minutes later, the basket was overflowing with stuff!


Anyway, this is not what I wanted to talk about. What I wanted to say is that as we walked on and looked at the different products, a Paki Mullah and his wife walked past us. He was carrying their basket! I closed my eyes and counted to ten as I walked on..and just as I got to nine and thought I was almost safe.....

Bloody women.


Hola mi amigos.

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Johnny B   

No risk Cara gets it . ;)


I've another type of peorblem with Paki( Taliban, Iran, Afghan ) i reaaly don't know exactly , but you know who i'm talking about right?! yeah .. The 'Tabliq' group, more of,m lately. :(

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NG, letting your wife carry the shopping basket is unforgivable. Isn't it bad enough that you can't drive? What are men for if not for such instances?

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^obviously wax kale. smile.gif


i phone this congestion charge yesterday, when i asked for the receipt to be sent to my email address - the operator said "oh my gosh - are you the same sayid somal on SOL?"



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Johnny is it because their women don't fall for the classic Bravo "Hey there little lady" line? icon_razz.gif


Val, ma aragtay. I expect to be totted around like a Roman princess and this man is complaining about having to carry the groceries home!

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