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lol@ rubber band ku xidh..mid kale muu iska soo gato?


Hello trollers...


malika yemen miya qof kaaga lumay talow smile.gif

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^ smile.gif , Hello there Sabriya.


LOL@qof kaaga lumay, maya! I got everyone on a leash dear,wax lumayaa ayaa iska yar..Lol


A friend wanted more information about land/house/school etc etc

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My dad actually grew up there bt that was back in the 60s....I doubt i can be much ofa help


bt y does yur friend want to live in yemen of all the places??




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yeah actually this girl was telling me shes gonna go there for a year for islamic studies. So, maybe they do have good schools. I will see what I can find...

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^^ They have good colleges for Arabic and Islamic studies. But she'll be better of going to Jordan or Syria (the people are slightly more ilbax there). :D


Morning all.

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^Waxaa kuguu daraan,she wants to live on the outskirts of Hadramut[sp],perhaps farm while studying.


Morning to you too.


It is friday, a blessed day indeed! The sun is shinning and I dont feel as fat as I felt yesterday..whoooa!

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^Now the question is do you know anyone there? smile.gif


They are looking for a simple way of living,without the complications of modern living.

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Not any more. :(

Anyway, I don't think that part of the country is safe. It's part of the 'former' South Yemen and the people there are now fighting for secession. :D

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^Are they? Shared traits huh?..Lol


How does one write about themselves without letting the ego take over? :confused:

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Hello Malika- and why would you want to do that?


Hello old man.


Lily hello


p.s i just want to stand outside and scream today. is there such thing as anger attack?

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