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Ms DD   

Hi Buuxo


Qasaasil maba garanayo horta. Soor..I thought u needed powdered maize and water?

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^Perhaps she mean,mixing the corn flour and water in a small bowl before adding to the boiling water.

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Buuxo, I suggest you get this nonsense of cooking soor out of your head and buy yourself a delicious creamy fruit truffle or chocolate gateau, make yourself comfortable and enjoy!


Hello ladies and gents.

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Is it me or has Lily only decided to appear when we accused her of being a killer?


Lets test this one someone else.


Val is a child abuser.

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Ms DD   

It could work on CL.. But you must have given up on her.


Hi Lily

How could u compare soor to creamy chocolate stuff?

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qasaasil bariis as in wash the rice before you cook it right? ...


But how does one wash soor?


I agree with Ms DD I simply add water to it and cook it LOL...



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qasaasil bariis as in wash the rice before you cook it right? ...


But how does one wash soor?


I agree with Ms DD I simply add water to it and cook it LOL...



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Soor is horrible DD. Simple.


Ngonge who called me a killer? lol@child abuser.

I thought it was the rule not to read back.


More cake, it's b'day season.

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Three of my younger siblings were born this month, its certainly a b-day season :D


btw is it your birthday?? so I can wish you a happy b-day and send you a virtual cake sis lol





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Sabriya, my B'day was last thursday but thanks :D


DD how's it going? Expect a call from me soon.


This site is in a coma these days isnt it?

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