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Troll Corner

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Malika, Today actually the lecture is fun...My old boring profesor is talking about his youth days during the sixties..He is talking about the Symptomology found in those doing heavy drugs: “sinsemilla”, “sensi”, “ganja”, “weed”, “blunt” “joint”, “smoke” , “doobie”, “herb”, etc.

He cracked as up when he quoted this “Hey Rasta man. Hear what I say. Gimme some sinse, today. I wanna get hiiiigh” :D


PS: The lecture is about Central Nervous System stimulation of CB1 receptors results in euphoria, calmness, dreamlike states.....

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Ms DD   

How come there are no trolls at 1.30am in the morning?


We should have shifts here.. I am surprised JB isnt here.

JB: Is July gonna be so hot in the homeland? Why is everybody is scaring me?


Yeah..Come on ManU.


I have had good report from Turkey. Maybe i should go for a weekend. Everybody is going somewhere.

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Originally posted by Oz:

Hey there..



Originally posted by NGONGE:

By the way, have you seen the South Park episode about the pirates? Good stuff and they're using Somali too.

Cartman and NG went to Somalia at the same time?


Umm guys? Who let in the G-I-N-G-E-R?"



They used northerners to do the af-Somali in Xamar :D


Quite funny though

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Is CL back yet? Why do I get the ugly impression that she, Ibti and Faheema are all bloody smelly students who pretended to be past that smelly stage. Was Cara a student too or did she lie?

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They sank with the site when it went down last week. It seems to have taken lots of people with it. I think that's one job even LST can't fix. Heh.

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I am looking for a whip, hosting an inclusive Somali men's meeting tonight,if you lot dont see me around,its perhaps I was hanged. :D


Any tips on dealing with Somali men? Should I shout,point,interupt them when they are being our of context??

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^^ I told you not to wear that loud pink jilbaab. I told you not to wear it. Yaa ku arkay? Tell the odayo it wasn't you.

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