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Avast Ye! Now you can change your facebook setting to Pirate-English...It is silly, but one of the funniest thing and entertaining! Shiver me timbers, the Somali Pirates are approaching thee with their jolly roger, they want to see you to Davy Jones!! :D

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What a bloody day! They made me work today, I sure have earned my salary.. :mad:


So, CL is still missing? Tolow,have my brother kidnapped her,isagaa laa wayee beriyahan ba.

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^I believe it was Lily that showed interest into piracy at some point, have she? I wonder.


JB,check your pm,I need some gossip.[Ngonge not about you,before you start sweating] :D

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Lily is a Friday girl. If she's still missing by friday she must be on that boat.


By the way, have you seen the South Park episode about the pirates? Good stuff and they're using Somali too. :D:D

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In our little basement/office under a huge hotel on the palm we have an infestation of RATS! The hygiene levels around the toilets and kanteen (I never eat from the canteen) are more than 4 times what the levels are in mall toilet areas.


To top it all off a co-worker discovered a dead rat under her desk after she had been sat there for over an hour. Think she kicked it by accident



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^Your fast!, erm something..


Oh,I feel like Stoic today,I want to shout and tell off my arty farty collegue,he is getting in my nerves.

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