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Lily, lolz, I am actually thinking of writing a book in Somali about Jinni encounters & stories, it would be good read.


It is for educational use only.

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Originally posted by +Faheema:

Morning Trollers, here's a little Friday Humour for you all


Excerpts from a Cat's Daily Diary...



I have one that looks identical to that one. We're not in friendly terms now as he went into the trash and scattered all the rubbish around; and I don't like cleaning. Considering his food costs nearly 4 quid a box.


With that kind of behaviour and with the deeping economic down turn considered, I've done the right choice locking him out.


Not that he cares.

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Seems everyone here had a cat, did anyone of you ever had a rat, I had the best Doolli, very friendly it was

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A guy that has a cat or dog is just plain strange. Something wrong with that dude. I mean seriously. Soon there are going to be stories about and old man and his 9 cats. icon_razz.gif


I rushed and forgot everything at home. I think I might just go back home.

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^Lol, get out of our ocean young lady. I like cats before they don't give a hoot! Dogs I don't like; they like sucking up to people.


NGONGE, Lol. Actually, it's a stray cat :D . I think I provided the better food that's why it didn't come back smile.gif .

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Nuune, jinns & sheydanka wa laga cudibilleysta but you are just too open & welcoming to them. It’s not right.


Ibti, did you forget your change of clothes?

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^^^He is good friends with the Jiin Lily.


I forgot extra scarf and my flats. I don't think heels will go down too well, and don't fancy coming home on the train with a multicoloured scarf :D



Paragon, spin it how you like, it is strange and not normal.

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Yes Malika, waa heesaa qataroos ah, u shoudl listen and watch his "Ma Janadi Fardowso Jidkeedi La Helay ba", very movin :D

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Malika, I used to find him very annoying, I like Qaahira, he sings it with emotion so that brought back some respect for him. He sang at my friend’s wedding last Friday.


I’m listing/taking a peek at live Friday prayers from Mecca, my sister is one of those millions of people somewhere, hopefully still alive.

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^Your sister is at Hajj? Mashaallah!


Ibti,Am good dear, Alhamdulillah so far!


Loool.Cirdey,erm he has perfomed 'live' in my living room few times dear icon_razz.gif


Nuune,the guy has a beautiful voice, mashaallah. He is performing tonight at a cozy do.I am looking foward to this evening.

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